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Jung   Listen
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Jung  n.  Carl Gustav Jung, a noted Swiss psychiatrist and Psychologist(1875-1961).
Synonyms: Carl Jung, Carl Gustav Jung.

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"Jung" Quotes from Famous Books

... rose to be a general and Minister of War under the Republic, and who wrote some commendable works on tactics; and immediately under him were Lieut.-Colonel Fay, also subsequently a well-known general, and Captain Jung, who is best remembered perhaps by his inquiries into the mystery of the Man with the Iron Mask. I give those names because, however distinguished those three men may have become in later years, the French intelligence service at the outset of the war was without doubt extremely faulty, and responsible ...
— My Days of Adventure - The Fall of France, 1870-71 • Ernest Alfred Vizetelly

... of La Seyne and L'Eguillette, where Buonaparte fought. Besides, Barras' "Memoires" are so untruthful where Buonaparte is concerned, as to be unworthy of serious attention, at least on these points.[22] The historian M. Jung likewise relegates Buonaparte to a quite subordinate position.[23] But his narrative omits some of the official documents which show that Buonaparte played a very important part in the siege. Other writers claim that Buonaparte's influence on the whole ...
— The Life of Napoleon I (Volumes, 1 and 2) • John Holland Rose

... they were wandering on the side of the Beatenberg, in the little narrow paths traced by the tread of the goats and their herdsmen. Amabel sat down to try to sketch the outline of the white-capped Jung Frau and her attendant mountains, wishing she could draw as well as Laura, but intending her outline to aid in describing the scene to those whose eyes she longed to have with her. While she was drawing, Guy began to climb higher, and was soon out ...
— The Heir of Redclyffe • Charlotte M. Yonge

... always best). "Now come," she said, "To-night we will collaborate "Again; I'll put you to the test. "Here's one I never found the way to do,— "The simplest are the hardest ones, you know,— "I give this song to you." And then she read: Mein kind, wir waren Kinder, Zwei Kinder, jung und froh. ...
— The White Bees • Henry Van Dyke

... in France sow rye, dribbling it in the furrow grain by grain. And of their strange mechanical skill take two examples. For ending of exemplary rogues they have a figure like a woman, seven feet high, and called Jung Frau; but lo, a spring is touched, she seizeth the poor wretch with iron arms, and opening herself, hales him inside her, and there pierces him through and through with two score lances. Secondly, in all great houses the spit is turned not by a scrubby ...
— The Cloister and the Hearth • Charles Reade

... them, that these old mandarins are not very respectable characters. Your brother says that kite-flying means speculating, and that the mandarins are probably brokers. I trust, my dear boy, that you are not making any of your money in this way. Who is this Chim-jung-tsee, who is to be your teacher? It is a very strange name for a Christian to be called by, and I don't like the sound of it. And what do you mean, when you say you want to learn the language so that you may be able to ...
— John Whopper - The Newsboy • Thomas March Clark

... place to discuss in further detail the Freudian ideas (the wish, the symbol, the jargon of transference, etc). The leading follower of Freud, Jung, has already broken away from the parent church, and there is an amusing cry of heresy raised. Soon the eminent Austrian will have the pleasure of seeing a half-dozen schools that have split off from his own,—followers of Bleuler, ...
— The Foundations of Personality • Abraham Myerson

... IS, only after feeling has told us SO IT MUST BE;" and as far as I can tell, Lachner's feeling says little about "TANNHAUSER", although he was called several times before the curtain at the first performances. The part of "Tannhauser" was sung by "Herr Jung", the husband of "Lucile Gran." He succeeded, in my opinion, better than the public here seemed to think, which is, as a rule, somewhat lukewarm and stolid. "Frau Dietz", whose figure and personality do not particularly fit her for "Elizabeth", ...
— Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt, Volume 2 • Francis Hueffer (translator)

Words linked to "Jung" :   persona, anima, Carl Jung, image, Carl Gustav Jung, psychologist

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