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Interact   Listen
Interact  n.  A short act or piece between others, as in a play; an interlude; hence, intermediate employment or time.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Interact" Quotes from Famous Books

... things that are useful in their day and generation, it was once a very vital part of the art, and one more illustration of that intimate manner in which the advances in different fields of progress interact and co-operate. ...
— Edison, His Life and Inventions • Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin

... sufficient liberty and a stable authority. Freedom in itself is a good; but such is man's fallen nature, that it cannot be enjoyed without a partial sacrifice of itself, which it yields up to authority. This becomes the domain of authority, and the two interact on each other. So much is clear; but conflicts arise, and the precise issue is, not exactly between the two, but as to where their boundaries meet. We Catholics believe that we hold the solution in our hands, and I shall now merely state how I look at it, admitting, of course, that I may be ...
— Donahoe's Magazine, Volume 15, No. 1, January 1886 • Various

... upon the mind has been already sufficiently recognized; not so that of the mind upon the body itself. The two, one in the outset though they were, interact upon each other more and more the more they present the appearance of having become widely sundered, and it can be shown that each is continually modifying the other ...
— Evolution, Old & New - Or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, - as compared with that of Charles Darwin • Samuel Butler

... polar force of magnetism. For a time, however, the polar forces do not come sensibly into play. In this condition the magnets resemble our water-molecules at the temperature say of 50 deg.. But the magnets come at length sufficiently near each other to enable their poles to interact. From this point the action ceases to be solely a general attraction of the masses. Attractions of special points of the masses and repulsions of other points now come into play; and it is easy to see that the rearrangement of the magnets consequent upon the ...
— Six Lectures on Light - Delivered In The United States In 1872-1873 • John Tyndall

... we have a fairly definite notion of it, or fancy that we have one, all the time. The thought is not steadily and coherently governed by and moulded in words, nor does it steadily govern them. Words and thought interact upon and help one another, as any other mechanical appliances interact on and help the invention that first hit upon them; but reason or thought, for the most part, flies along over the heads of words, working its own mysterious ...
— Essays on Life, Art and Science • Samuel Butler

... meant very little to us. Indeed, unthinking people are very apt to suppose that we can go our own way without regarding what takes place elsewhere. They do not realise that the world is one, and that the policies of nations interact upon each other. In point of fact, the Revolution meant a great deal to Australia. This country is, indeed, an island far from Europe, but the threads of her history are entwined with those of European history ...
— Laperouse • Ernest Scott

... itself out at one time and in one place; but more fundamentally it is a segment of the action during which the author desires to hold the attention of his audience unbroken and unrelaxed. It is no mere convention, however, which decrees that the flight of time is best indicated by an interact. When the curtain is down, the action on the stage remains, as it were, in suspense. The audience lets its attention revert to the affairs of real life; and it is quite willing, when the mimic world is once more revealed, to suppose that any reasonable space of ...
— Play-Making - A Manual of Craftsmanship • William Archer

Words linked to "Interact" :   communicate, invite, connect, interpose, do by, act, pay for, socialize, have, patronize, keep in line, consort, collude, associate, foregather, intervene, assort, treat, marginalise, meet, interaction, relate, fall all over, patronise, assemble, intercommunicate, marginalize, transact, step in, womanise, touch base, move, socialise, control, get in touch, affiliate, condescend, womanize, interactive

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