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Integrate   Listen
Integrate  v. t.  (past & past part. integrated; pres. part. integrating)  
To form into one whole; to make entire; to complete; to renew; to restore; to perfect. "That conquest rounded and integrated the glorious empire." "Two distinct substances, the soul and body, go to compound and integrate the man."
To indicate the whole of; to give the sum or total of; as, an integrating anemometer, one that indicates or registers the entire action of the wind in a given time.
(Math.) To subject to the operation of integration; to find the integral of.

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Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Integrate" Quotes from Famous Books

... apprehension itself, with all the diversities this may create. To what I call right and left, light and darkness, a real opposition must correspond in any reality which is at all relevant to my experience; so that I should fail to integrate my impression, and to absorb the only reality that concerns me, if I obliterated those points of reference which originally made the world figured and visible. Space remains absolutely dark, for all the infinite light which ...
— The Life of Reason • George Santayana
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... "cutting it short," how could he be sure of meeting his lordship's expectations in that point, unless by dismissing the limitations that might be requisite to fit the idea for use, or the adjuncts that might be requisite to integrate its truth, or the final consequences that might involve some deep arriere pensee, which, coming last in the succession, might oftentimes be calculated to lie deepest on the mind. To be lawfully and usefully brilliant after this rapid fashion, a man must come forward as a refresher ...
— Biographical Essays • Thomas de Quincey
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Words linked to "Integrate" :   reckon, maths, math, mix, segregate, integrator, figure, desegregate, cipher, change state, unite, fold, cypher, reintegrate, integration, merge, combine, compute, build in, re-incorporate, incorporate, compound, calculate, differentiate, disintegrate, integrative

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