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Insectivora   Listen
Insectivora  n. pl.  (Zool.)
An order of mammals which feed principally upon insects. Note: They are mostly of small size, and their molar teeth have sharp cusps. Most of the species burrow in the earth, and many of those of cold climates hibernate in winter. The order includes the moles, shrews, hedgehogs, tanrecs, and allied animals, also the colugo.
A division of the Chiroptera, including the common or insect-eating bats.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Insectivora" Quotes from Famous Books

... had been any direct connection between them during Tertiary times, we should hardly have found the deep-seated differences between the Quadrumana of the two regions—no family even being common to both; nor the peculiar Insectivora of the one continent, and the equally peculiar Edentata of the other. The very numerous families of birds quite peculiar to one or other of these continents, many of which, by their structural isolation and varied development of generic and ...
— Darwinism (1889) • Alfred Russel Wallace

... the island has preserved antique forms of life: many species of lemur make the forest resound with their cries; and these, with the curious and highly-specialized Aye-aye, and peculiar species of Viverridae and Insectivora, are probably "survivals", of an old-world existence, when Madagascar was one of an archipelago of large islands, whose remains are only small islands like the Seychelles and Mascarene Groups, or coral banks and atolls like the Chagos, Amirante, and others, which are slowly ...
— The Contemporary Review, January 1883 - Vol 43, No. 1 • Various

... the snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus), of which the typical species is a native of Sze-ch'uen, while a second is found on the upper Mekong, and a third in the mountains of central China. In the Insectivora the swimming-shrew (Nectogale) forms another generic type peculiar to Sze-ch'uen, which is also the sole habitat of the mole-like Scaptochirus, of Uropsilus, near akin to the Japanese Urotrichus, ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 2 - "Chicago, University of" to "Chiton" • Various

Words linked to "Insectivora" :   Talpidae, family Chrysochloridae, subclass Eutheria, suborder Lipotyphla, Menotyphla, Eutheria, animal order, suborder Menotyphla, family Tenrecidae, family Talpidae, Lipotyphla, insectivore, order Insectivora, family Erinaceidae, family Soricidae, Soricidae, Tenrecidae, Chrysochloridae

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