Inlay n. Matter or pieces of wood, ivory, etc., inlaid, or prepared for inlaying; that which is inserted or inlaid for ornament or variety; as, ornamented with ivory inlay. "Crocus and hyacinth with rich inlay Broidered the ground.""The sloping of the moonlit sward Was damask work, and deep inlay Of braided blooms."
... by long and tireless care and judicious trimming. The object of the gardener has been to develop to the utmost possible degree their natural tendency to rugged line and massings of foliage—that spiny sombre-green foliage which Japanese art is never weary of imitating in metal inlay or golden lacquer. The pine is a symbolic tree in this land of symbolism. Ever green, it is at once the emblem of unflinching purpose and of vigorous old age; and its needle- shaped leaves are credited with the power of ... — Glimpses of an Unfamiliar Japan • Lafcadio Hearn Read full book for free!