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Hypercritical   Listen
Hypercritical  adj.  
Over critical; unreasonably or unjustly critical; carping; captious. "Hypercritical readers."
Excessively nice or exact.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Hypercritical" Quotes from Famous Books

... Some hypercritical person, and possibly some sincere soul, may ask: "Did such revival do any permanent good? Does not the so-near savage easily backslide?" To this may be given this partial reply: It depends somewhat on the sort of white ...
— Trail Tales • James David Gillilan

... is a good example of the modern hypercritical school, takes very nearly the opposite ground. His theory is that Moses was in search of a war god, and that he discovered such a god, in the god of the Bedouin tribe of the Kenites whose acquaintance ...
— The Emancipation of Massachusetts • Brooks Adams

... nature, referable to our ideas of time, relation, method; imperfect, doubtless, as to the system by which it is represented; but surely we can speak of error in that which is error's criterion! All this is hypercritical, but hypercriticism must be ...
— The Verbalist • Thomas Embly Osmun, (AKA Alfred Ayres)

... the commission of a great wrong upon an innocent woman, it is a sacred duty to your victim, as well as my privilege as your betrothed, to alleviate her suffering as much as possible, and to repair the injury for which you are responsible. When human life and reputation are at stake, hypercritical fastidiousness is less pardonable than the deplorable mistake ...
— At the Mercy of Tiberius • August Evans Wilson

... next day. When all was done, he went to bed, half wishing that he might never rise from it again. It was not that he cared for Kinney; that fool's sulking was only the climax of a long series of injuries of which he was the victim at the hands of a hypercritical omnipotence. ...
— A Modern Instance • William Dean Howells

... monologue in the final Act that a practised playwright would have "broken up" with the assistance of a portrait, or a letter, or something. From this it would appear that the Editor, WILLIAM ARCHER (without the "Mr.") has very faithfully produced the exact translation of the original. To be hypercritical, I might suggest that perhaps occasionally the version is rather too literal. For instance, Torvald Helmer, although he is cursed with one of the most offensive wives known to creation, would ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 100., February 7, 1891 • Various

... unless himself. Why waste such sweetness on the desert air of a lot of heedless midshipmen? With so many details regulated—if not enforced—from the length of our hair to the cut of our trousers, it did seem hypercritical to object to going shoeless for an hour. But who is consistent? The uncertainty of our position kept the ...
— From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life • Captain A. T. Mahan

... for the atmosphere. Merely in her conversation she can be of service or dis-service. It may be simply a good joke which she is telling, but if the joke misrepresents the school she will, perhaps, do lasting harm. If she is hypercritical—and there is nothing so contagious as criticism—she influences people in the direction of her thought; she sets a current of criticism in motion. A student frequently gives vent to an opinion that is only half-baked—it is well, by the way, to make zwieback of all our opinions before we pass ...
— A Girl's Student Days and After • Jeannette Marks

Words linked to "Hypercritical" :   critical

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