"Hombre" Quotes from Famous Books
... he, "when you passed up here, I saw three men on board. Where are the other two?" I answered him briefly that the same crew was still on board. "But," said he, "I see you are doing all the work," and with a leer he added, as he glanced at the mainsail, "hombre valiente." I explained that I did all the work in the day, while the rest of the crew slept, so that they would be fresh to watch for Indians at night. I was interested in the subtle cunning of this savage, knowing him, as I did, better perhaps than he was aware. Even had I not been advised ... — Sailing Alone Around The World • Joshua Slocum
... music had finished, the King sent for Monseigneur and Monsieur, who were already playing at 'lansquenet'; Madame, who scarcely looked at a party of 'hombre' at which she had seated herself; the Duc de Chartres, who, with a rueful visage, was playing at chess; and Mademoiselle de Blois, who had scarcely begun to appear in society, but who this evening was extraordinarily decked out, and who, as yet, knew nothing ... — The Memoirs of Louis XIV., His Court and The Regency, Complete • Duc de Saint-Simon
... have in coming so far to see so miserable a place as Palos, which he set down as one of the very poorest places in the whole world; but this additional toil and struggle through deep sand to visit the old convent of La Rabida completed his confusion— "Hombre!" exclaimed he, "es una ruina! no hay mas que dos frailes!"— "Zounds! why it's a ruin! there are only two friars there!" Don Juan laughed, and told him that I had come all the way from Seville precisely to see that old ruin and those ... — The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (Vol. II) • Washington Irving
... "But, Hombre de Dios![1]—but I ought not to call you that as you are so turbulent—you think everything is out of joint. The Spanish Church, worn out as you say, has become very poor, and still you say this revolution is a very small affair. What do you wish for? What is it that you desire so that things ... — The Shadow of the Cathedral • Vicente Blasco Ibanez
... snatches of French, Spanish, English, and Indian. The exclamations were in character with the appearance of those who uttered them. "Hollo, Dick! hang it, old hoss, what are ye 'bout?" "Carambo!" "By the 'tarnal airthquake!" "Vaya! hombre, vaya!" "Carrajo!" "By Gosh!" ... — The Scalp Hunters • Mayne Reid
... rather El Hombre, or 'The Man,' was so named as requiring thought and reflection, which are qualities peculiar to man; or rather, alluding to him who undertakes to play the game against the rest of the gamesters, emphatically called The ... — The Gaming Table: Its Votaries and Victims - Volume II (of II) • Andrew Steinmetz
... no hombre fer takin' a shot at thet fiddle bow o' mine, fer I never could make it work right. I know it was bum music, but it was the best ... — Ted Strong's Motor Car • Edward C. Taylor
... ves aquel caballero que hacia nosotros viene sobre un caballo rucio rodado que trae puesto en la cabeza un yelmo de oro?' 'Lo que veo y columbro,' respondio Sancho, 'no es sino un hombre sobre un as no pardo como el mio, que trae sobre la cabeza una cosa que relumbra.' 'Pues ese es el yelmo de Mambrino,' ... — Middlemarch • George Eliot
... but those remedies were often corrupted by pacts with the devil. The pangatahoan is the same as the soothsayer, who prognosticated the future; and this notion was general throughout this archipelago. The bayoguin was an effeminate man [hombre maricon], inclined to be a woman and to all the duties ... — The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 - Volume 40 of 55 • Francisco Colin
... methinks the chink of coin Charmeth him not; belike 'twould poorer men. As skilled musician fingereth the harp, So must I play upon his prejudice, Which finds no virtue in politic foes, And thus shall shrewdness do its perfect work. But Seldonskip? I love this hombre not. He looketh on our race with proud disdain, Hence I with poison must sour Francos' mind, That he but vileness in this boor shall see. Some men, I ween, would tread in virtue's path, Unless strong passion, born of love intense, Should goad them to stretch out a greedy hand, And grasp from ... — 'A Comedy of Errors' in Seven Acts • Spokeshave (AKA Old Fogy)
... this cavalier is the friend of a friend of mine. Es mucho hombre. There is none like him in Spain. He speaks the crabbed Gitano, though he is ... — The Pocket George Borrow • George Borrow
... el camino del pueblo, el cual segun mis cuentas no debia distar mucho del sitio en que nos encontrabamos, pues aunque sin senda fija, yo habia procurado adelantar siempre en la direccion que me habian indicado. Satisfizo el buen hombre mi pregunta lo mejor que pudo, y ya me disponia a proseguir mi azarosa jornada, subiendo con pies y manos y tirando de la caballeria como Dios me daba a entender, por entre unos pedruscos erizados de matorrales y puntas, cuando el pastor que me veia subir desde lejos, me dio una gran ... — Legends, Tales and Poems • Gustavo Adolfo Becquer
... men hovering over the canyon edge. Uncle Denny gave an exclamation of pity. A mule with a pack on its back had slipped off the road and hung far below by the rope halter that had caught around a projecting rock. The hombre who had been driving the mule ... — Still Jim • Honore Willsie Morrow
... Brazil is used to designate a half-breed, but the etymology seems unknown. ** 'Me he de salvar a pesar de Dios, porque para salvarse el hombre no ha menester mas que creer' (Ruiz Montoya, 'Conquista Espiritual'). Montoya adds with a touch of humour quite in Cervantes' vein: 'Este, sabe ya por experiencia la falsedad de su doctrina, porque le mataron de ... — A Vanished Arcadia, • R. B. Cunninghame Graham |