"Highbrowed" Quotes from Famous Books
... stockholders' meeting last June—it had been decided that Colonel Cowles should have a little help in the editorial department. The work was growing; the Colonel was ageing. The point had been to find the help. Who knew but what this little highbrow was the very ... — Queed • Henry Sydnor Harrison
... the openin' of the Pill Box; you know, one of these dinky little theaters where they do the capsule drama at two dollars a seat. Not that I've been givin' my theatrical taste the highbrow treatment. I'm still strong for the smokeless war play where the coised spy gets his'n ... — Wilt Thou Torchy • Sewell Ford
... you interpolate a few coon songs in Tannhaeuser and some song and dance specialties between the acts of Les Huguenots you're gone. You know I used to sing this route in musical comedy, and, on the level, I've got a fine part waiting for me right now in The Giddy Queen. I like this highbrow music all right, but the people that come to hear it make me so sad. You're a good sport, though, and as long as you need me ... — The Making of Bobby Burnit - Being a Record of the Adventures of a Live American Young Man • George Randolph Chester
... saved Richard's life and Richard is eternally grateful, and loves Jim as a "dandy good scout," their ways will inevitably drift apart when the one big common interest of fighting together for a free world is over. They will always remember each other. Jim will decide that a "highbrow" can be a real man, and Richard will ever after have a fellow-feeling for the "other half" and think of them now as "folks." But Jim is not at home in Richard's neighborhood and circle; and Richard is a fish out of water in Jim's. The point of view of each has been largely determined ... — Applied Psychology for Nurses • Mary F. Porter
... "R.I.P." In monk's highbrow, "Requiscat in pace," put on little wooden crosses over soldier's graves. It means "Rest in peace," but Tommy says like as not it means "Rest in pieces," especially if the man under the cross has been sent West by a bomb ... — Over The Top • Arthur Guy Empey
... Wrenn, "I don't hardly ever go to church. I don't believe much in all them highbrow sermons that don't come down to brass tacks—ain't got nothing to do with real folks. But just the same, I love to go up to St. Patrick's Cathedral. Why, I get real thrilled—I hope you won't think I'm trying to get ... — Our Mr. Wrenn - The Romantic Adventures of a Gentle Man • Sinclair Lewis
... Coliseum variety theatre. Not that we would set down the art of the variety theatre as something to be condescended to, or our own art as elephantine. We should rather crave indulgence as three novices fresh from the awful legitimacy of the highbrow theatre. ... — Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress • George Bernard Shaw |