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Hertz   Listen
Hertz  n.  A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second; it is abbreviated Hz. It is commonly used to specify the frequency of radio waves, and also the clock frequencies in digital computers. For these applications, kilohertz and megahertz are the most commonly used units, derived from hertz.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Hertz" Quotes from Famous Books

... individual man alone. The German Daimler, the French Levassor, are the two names which stand out most prominently in this later development of engineering as our own Watt and Stephenson stand in the history of the steam-engine. Wireless telegraphy offers a similar story. Faraday, Maxwell, Hertz, Lodge, Marconi; the names are international. In 1913, before ever the League of Nations had been planned, Lord Bryce was telling an International Congress in London that 'the world is becoming one in an altogether new sense.... More than four centuries ago the discovery of America marked the first ...
— Recent Developments in European Thought • Various

Words linked to "Hertz" :   Heinrich Hertz, cycle, kilocycle per second, physicist, Heinrich Rudolph Hertz, cycle per second, cycles/second, nuclear physicist, Hz, Hertzian, cps, Gustav Ludwig Hertz, kilocycle, Gustav Hertz, rate, kilohertz, kHz, kc

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