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Hasty pudding   Listen
Hasty pudding  n.  
A thick batter pudding made of Indian meal stirred into boiling water; mush. (U. S.)
A batter or pudding made of flour or oatmeal, stirred into boiling water or milk. (Eng.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Hasty pudding" Quotes from Famous Books

... you rested?" quoth the giant; "did you not feel anything in the night?" "No," quoth Jack, "nothing but a rat, which gave me two or three slaps with her tail." With that, greatly wondering, the giant led Jack to breakfast, bringing him a bowl containing four gallons of hasty pudding. Being loth to let the giant think it too much for him, Jack put a large leather bag under his loose coat, in such a way that he could convey the pudding into it without its being perceived. Then, telling the giant he would show him a trick, taking a knife, Jack ripped open the bag, ...
— English Fairy Tales • Joseph Jacobs (coll. & ed.)

... arise from the universal desire of novelty, characteristic of man in the development of his social conditions. Thus has arisen the whole science of cookery, and thus arose the art of making puddings. The porridge of the Scotch is nothing more than a species of hasty pudding, composed of oatmeal, salt, and water; and the "red pottage" for which Esau sold his birthright, must have been something similar. The barley-gruel of the Lacedaemonians, of the Athenian gladiators and common people, was the same, with the exception of ...
— The Book of Household Management • Mrs. Isabella Beeton

... was the best king in Christendom. And, d'ye hear, send Ragged-head with five pounds of potatoes for Major Macleaver's supper, and let him have what drink he wants; the fat widow gentlewoman from Pimlico has promised to quit his score. Sir Mungo Barebones may have some hasty pudding and small beer, though I don't expect to see his coin, no more than to receive the eighteen pence I laid out for a pair of breeches to his backside—what then? he's a quiet sort of a body, and ...
— The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom, Complete • Tobias Smollett

Words linked to "Hasty pudding" :   Great Britain, porridge, U.K., United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, mush

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