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Hamitic   Listen
Hamitic  adj.  Pertaining to Ham or his descendants.
Hamitic languages, the group of languages spoken mainly in the Sahara, Egypt, Galla, and Somâli Land, and supposed to be allied to the Semitic.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Hamitic" Quotes from Famous Books

... Love of Jesus (Who was certainly what South Africans would call a Jew Boy, Who was possibly so dark that any dorp school would have hummed over His admission, Who enrolled Himself in that House of David one of Whose ancestresses was the Hamitic Rahab apparently, Who took Ham's curse as well as Japheth's); granted that that Love is the one and only supreme motive for Christian Reform, yet for all that, facts are facts, and it may be kind to tell people into what fires the fires of Racialism threaten to merge their selves. On the whole, ...
— Cinderella in the South - Twenty-Five South African Tales • Arthur Shearly Cripps

... idea of unity as a basis of study, there are, at least, fewer obstacles in grouping the phenomena from which our deductions are to be drawn. The proof of negation is not the strongest proof, but it is something to assert that they are neither of Japhetic or Hamitic origin. In the traditions of one of the most celebrated North American tribes, namely, the Iroquois, the continent or "island," as it is termed, is called Aonio,[8] and we may hence denominate the race Aonic, and the individuals Aonites. If we do not advance by this term in the origin of the ...
— Incentives to the Study of the Ancient Period of American History • Henry R. Schoolcraft

Words linked to "Hamitic" :   Afroasiatic language, Afrasian language, Hamito-Semitic, Afroasiatic, Afrasian

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