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Gumbo   Listen
Gumbo  n.  
A soup thickened with the mucilaginous pods of the okra; okra soup. Especially, A thick stew made with chicken (chicken gumbo), or seafood (seafood gumbo), thickened with okra or file, and also containing greens and often hot spices; it is particularly popular in Louisiana.
The okra plant or its pods.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Gumbo" Quotes from Famous Books

... An accident! Do you think I hire you to perform accidents for me? You are just through telling me that it was accident made you give me both soup and gumbo for ...
— Balcony Stories • Grace E. King

... Vox"—why "Valentine Vox?"—and other volumes when I should have been listening to "Alice in Wonderland." But when I came, in turn, to "Alice in Wonderland," I found Alice's rather dull in comparison with the adventures of the Warrington brothers. And Thackeray's picture of Gumbo carrying in the soup tureen! To have listened to Rebecca's description of the great fight in "Ivanhoe," to have lived through the tournament of Ashby de la Zouche, was a poor preparation for the vagaries of the queer creatures ...
— Confessions of a Book-Lover • Maurice Francis Egan

... First, every one knows Taraxacum or dandelion; invalids know crust-coffee, and many with indignation know burnt peas. Also Miss Beecher, whose estimable cook-book you certainly must get, mentions that ochra seeds or gumbo cannot be told from Java; an army correspondent has since reported coffee made at the South from oker seeds, doubtless the same; another found in use the sweet potato, roasted, and flavored with coffee; while a friend has just described the most enticing beverage ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 97, November, 1865 • Various

... to be done before the curtain rose. The languorous shade invited one to tarry and rest, but Jeff breasted the sunshine, going hither and yon upon his errands. Back of a cabin on Plunket's Hill he had private conference with one Gumbo Rollins, by profession a carnival concessionaire and purveyor of amusements in a small way. No cash actually changed hands, but on Jeff's part there was a promise of moneys to be paid in the event ...
— Sundry Accounts • Irvin S. Cobb

... is the freighters, our companions, you've got to leave this land, Can't drag your loads for nothing through the gumbo and the sand. The railroads are bound to beat you when you do your level best; So give it up to the grangers and strike out for the west. Bid them all adieu and give the merry shout,— The cowboy has left the country and the campfire ...
— Cowboy Songs - and Other Frontier Ballads • Various

... Have given up all soups, including tomato soup, chicken soup, mulligatawny, mock turtle, green pea, vegetable, gumbo, lentil, consomme, bouillon and clam broth. Now weigh only nine hundred and fifty pounds. Wire at once whether clam chowder is a soup or a food. Fond ...
— Philo Gubb Correspondence-School Detective • Ellis Parker Butler

... wearily behind; both his eyes were encircled with broad, blue rings, and one cheek-bone bore the official impress of every knuckle of Colossus's left hand. The "beautiful to take care of somebody" had lost his charge. At mention of the negro he became wild, and, half in English, half in the "gumbo" dialect, said murderous things. Intimidated by Jules to calmness, he became able to speak confidently on one point; he could, would, and did swear that Colossus had gone home to the Florida parishes; he was almost certain; ...
— Old Creole Days • George Washington Cable

... o'clock in the evening when George and his companions, who had spent part of the day looking for the straying stock, rode up to the Grant homestead through a vast stretch of grain. This grew on the rich black soil they call "gumbo" in the West; but here and there a belt of dark-colored summer fallow checkered the strong green of the wheat and oats. Though he clung to the one-crop system, Alan Grant was careful of his land. The fine brick house and range of smart wooden ...
— Ranching for Sylvia • Harold Bindloss

... in and were presently regaling themselves with gumbo soup, opossum, and various other dishes peculiar to the part of the country represented by the building and its appurtenances, being served by cooks and waiters directly from the plantations ...
— Elsie at the World's Fair • Martha Finley

Words linked to "Gumbo" :   veg, okra, Hibiscus esculentus, soil, soup, Abelmoschus, gumbo soil, okra plant, lady's-finger, veggie

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