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Gradient   Listen
Gradient  n.  
The rate of regular or graded ascent or descent in a road; grade.
A part of a road which slopes upward or downward; a portion of a way not level; a grade.
The rate of increase or decrease of a variable magnitude, or the curve which represents it; as, a thermometric gradient.
(Chem., Biochem.) The variation of the concentration of a chemical substance in solution through some linear path; also called concentration gradient; usually measured in concentration units per unit distance. Concentration gradients are created naturally, e.g. by the diffusion of a substance from a point of high concentration toward regions of lower concentration within a body of liquid; in laboratory techniques they may be made artificially. gradient maker (Biochem.) a device which creates a concentration gradient in a solution within some apparatus; used, e. g., for separation of biochemical substances.
Gradient post, a post or stake indicating by its height or by marks on it the grade of a railroad, highway, or embankment, etc., at that spot.

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Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Gradient" Quotes from Famous Books

... struggling through the snow to the Otome Pass, on an immemorial and nearly perpendicular bridle path, and once by the modern road to the tunnel which, with characteristic address, the Japanese have bored through the rock, thus reducing a very steep gradient. ...
— Roving East and Roving West • E.V. Lucas
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Words linked to "Gradient" :   change, gentleness, gravity gradient, temperature gradient, rake, abruptness, grade, gradualness, slope, steepness, precipitousness, pitch, slant

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