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Gleaner   Listen
Gleaner  n.  
One who gathers after reapers.
One who gathers slowly with labor.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Gleaner" Quotes from Famous Books

... winter e'er hath Austrian Danube spread O'er his still course, nor Tanais far remote Under the chilling sky. Roll'd o'er that mass Had Tabernich or Pietrapana fall'n, Not e'en its rim had creak'd. As peeps the frog Croaking above the wave, what time in dreams The village gleaner oft pursues her toil, So, to where modest shame appears, thus low Blue pinch'd and shrin'd in ice the spirits stood, Moving their teeth in shrill note like the stork. His face each downward held; their mouth the cold, Their eyes express'd the dolour of their heart. A space I ...
— The Divine Comedy • Dante

... the Holy Spirit includes those who have claimed their share in Pentecost. In their hearts the Paraclete dwells in sanctifying grace, on their heads He rests in mighty anointing. The previous class resemble Ruth the gleaner; the latter, Ruth the bride. The one dwells in Romans vii. and Hebrews iii.; the other in Romans viii. and Hebrews iv. For those the water has to be drawn from the well, in these it springs up to everlasting life. Oh to know ...
— Love to the Uttermost - Expositions of John XIII.-XXI. • F. B. Meyer

Words linked to "Gleaner" :   field hand, accumulator, glean, fieldhand, farm worker, collector, farmhand

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