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Frostbite   Listen
Frostbite  n.  The freezing, or effect of a freezing, of some part of the body, as the ears, fingers, toes, or nose. Severe frostbite can lead to the loss of fingers or toes.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Frostbite" Quotes from Famous Books

... comfortable place. And next morning the snow and tempest ceased and we moved on, trampling down the snow as before; but ere we quite got through the pass, night fell. Though the wind had fallen, the cold was dreadful, and several lost fingers, toes, even hands and feet from frostbite, as we waited for dawn in the open. As early as we could we moved down the glen, descending, without road, over difficult and precipitous places, the extreme depth of the snow enabling us to pass over countless dangers. Thus our enemy ...
— The Adventures of Akbar • Flora Annie Steel

Words linked to "Frostbite" :   injury, harm, cryopathy, hurt

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