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Flycatcher   Listen
Flycatcher  n.  (Zool.) One of numerous species of birds that feed upon insects, which they take on the wing. Note: The true flycatchers of the Old World are Oscines, and belong to the family Muscicapidae, as the spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa grisola). The American flycatchers, or tyrant flycatchers, are Clamatores, and belong to the family Tyrannidae, as the kingbird, pewee, crested flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus), and the vermilion flycatcher or churinche (Pyrocephalus rubineus). Certain American flycatching warblers of the family Sylvicolidae are also called flycatchers, as the Canadian flycatcher (Sylvania Canadensis), and the hooded flycatcher (S. mitrata). See Tyrant flycatcher.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Flycatcher" Quotes from Famous Books

... the unrecognized, the white-eyed vireo, or flycatcher, deserves particular mention. The song of this bird is not particularly sweet and soft; on the contrary, it is a little hard and shrill, like that of the indigo-bird or oriole; but for brightness, volubility, execution, ...
— Wake-Robin • John Burroughs

... along, but that couldn't be, and Peetweet proved a good fellow, though rather slow. They soon left the high ground and came to the bog—flat and seemingly endless and with a few tall Tamaracks. There were some Cedar-birds catching Flies on the tall tree-tops, and a single Flycatcher was calling out: "Whoit—whoit—whoit!" Yan did not know until long after that it was the Olive-side. A Sparrow-hawk sailed over, and later a Bald Eagle with a Sparrow-hawk in hot and noisy pursuit. ...
— Two Little Savages • Ernest Thompson Seton

... things that are a source of terror to the strong:—The mosquito is a terror to the lion, the gnat is a terror to the elephant, the ichneumon-fly is a terror to the scorpion, the flycatcher is a terror to the eagle, and the stickleback is ...
— Hebraic Literature; Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and - Kabbala • Various

Words linked to "Flycatcher" :   scissortailed flycatcher, Muscicapa grisola, tyrant flycatcher, scissortail, phoebe bird, Tyrannidae, phoebe, Old World flycatcher, Muscicapa striata, firebird, Muscivora-forficata, Sayornis phoebe, pewit, pewee, true flycatcher, oscine, New World flycatcher, peewee, Muscicapidae, oscine bird, chatterer, vermillion flycatcher, tyrannid, spotted flycatcher, wood pewee, cotinga, Pyrocephalus rubinus mexicanus, whistler, peewit, Tyrannus tyrannus

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