"Fleabane" Quotes from Famous Books
... "radiate," and the negative ones "discoid." Discoid forms of the ordinary camomile, of the daisy, of some asters (Aster Tripolium), and of some centauries have been described. Radiate forms have been observed in the tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), the common horse-weed or Canada fleabane (Erigeron canadensis) and the common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris). Taken broadly the negative varieties seem to be somewhat more numerous than the positive ones, but it is very difficult to come to a ... — Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation • Hugo DeVries |
Words linked to "Fleabane" : seaside daisy, genus Pulicaria, Conyza, herbaceous plant, feabane mullet, Erigeron pulchellus, robin's plantain, horseweed, Erigeron annuus, weed, Canadian fleabane, Erigeron acer, orange fleabane, spreading fleabane, genus Erigeron, Erigeron speciosus, Conyza canadensis, orange daisy, beach aster, Pulicaria, herb, Erigeron divergens, Erigeron, Erigeron glaucous, genus Conyza, blue fleabane, Erigeron philadelphicus, daisy fleabane, Erigeron canadensis, Philadelphia fleabane |
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