"Felicitate" Quotes from Famous Books
... the keenest interest your sketch of the life of Marshal Foch. It is not yet history: we are too close to events to write it now, but it is the story of a great leader of men on which I felicitate you because of your real understanding of ... — Foch the Man - A Life of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Armies • Clara E. Laughlin
... doubt events will discover, that this measure was resolved the instant the English Ministry knew, that the accession of the States to that treaty was inevitable. I shall take care to give you minute and regular advice of the consequences likely to result from this event; meantime permit me to felicitate you on the acquisition of ... — The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Vol. IX • Various
... shunnest them without hating them; thou wouldst succour them, if their contumacious perversity had left thee the means. When thou comparest thine own condition, when thou examinest thine own soul, thou wilt have just cause to felicitate thyself, if thou shalt find that peace has taken up her abode with thee; that contentment dwells at the bottom of thine own heart. In short, thou seest accomplished upon them, as well as, upon thyself, the unalterable decrees of destiny, which imperiously demand, that crime shall punish itself, ... — The System of Nature, Vol. 2 • Baron D'Holbach
... formed is sui generis and must be better adapted to the body uses than the animal fat which was sui generis to a pig, a sheep, or a goat. It is certainly a pleasant thought that one who rounds out his figure with the luscious fatness of nuts may felicitate himself upon the fact that his tissues are participating in the sweetness of the nut rather than the relics of the sty and the shambles. It is true that nuts are poor in carbohydrates; that is, they contain no starch and little sugar, but this deficiency ... — Northern Nut Growers Association, Report of the Proceedings at the Seventh Annual Meeting • Various
... frui possem. Sed fruar aliquando, cum Deus me ad beatorum sedes evocaverit, ac Te mihi rediderit conjunctissimum. Vale, interim, pia anima; et quem jam tristem reliquisti, prope diem exspecta, in tenerrimos Tuos amplexus properantem, ac de summa, quam nunc habes, felicitate Tibi congratulantem," p. xix. This is the genuine language of heart-felt grief; language, which those who have lost an old and good friend will know well how to appreciate. This catalogue, which was given to me by ... — Bibliomania; or Book-Madness - A Bibliographical Romance • Thomas Frognall Dibdin
... remember from your conversation, which is confirmed by your last letter. Great principles, you hold, are sacrificed to shifts and expedients. I agree with you. What more sacred law of nature, for instance, than that the mother should educate her child? yet we felicitate ourselves upon the establishment of infant-schools, which is in direct opposition to it. Nay, we interfere with the maternal instinct before the child is born, by furnishing, in cases where there is no necessity, the mother ... — The Prose Works of William Wordsworth • William Wordsworth
... self-contained. Such characters do not elicit the joyous and unswerving devotion which Lavalle commanded throughout life. Truly, we have changed very little in the course of the ages! The secrets of earth and sky and the links that bind them, we felicitate ourselves we are on the road to discover; but our neighbours' heart and mind we misread, we misjudge, we condemn now as ever. Let all, then, who love a man read these most ... — Actions and Reactions • Rudyard Kipling
... shirts, and collars so low that you could see down their necks, sprang forward and bowed very humbly, like automata. "May I have the extreme honour of asking if it is her very high grace, Madame the Countess Dalmar and suite who felicitate our humble hotel with their presence?" inquired the fattest and spottiest in ... — My Friend the Chauffeur • C. N. Williamson and A. M. Williamson
... the Commissioners of the Dominion of Canada and the British colonies, the French colonies, the republics of Mexico and Central and South America and the commissioners of Cuba and Puerto Rico, who share with us in this undertaking, we give the hand of fellowship and felicitate with them upon the triumphs of art, science, education and manufacture which the old has bequeathed to the new century. Expositions are the timekeepers of progress. They record the world's advancement. They stimulate the energy, enterprise and intellect of the people and quicken ... — Messages and Papers of William McKinley V.2. • William McKinley
... which lay ensconced in your epistle, conveyed to me, in terms more eloquent than words, how much you desired me those Compliments which the little missive he bore in his bill expressed; the emblem is sweetly pretty, and now that we are again allowed to felicitate each other on another recurrence of the season of the Christian's rejoicing, permit me to tender to yourself, and by you to your Sister, mine and my Wife's heartfelt congratulations and warmest wishes with respect to the coming year. It is a common belief ... — The Humour of Homer and Other Essays • Samuel Butler
... Morris. "There is another person of the same name farther down the street; and I have no doubt the policeman will be able to supply you with his number. Believe me, I felicitate myself on the misunderstanding which has procured me the pleasure of your company for so long; and let me express a hope that we may meet again upon a more regular footing. Meantime, I would not for the world detain you longer from your friends. John," he added, raising his voice, ... — New Arabian Nights • Robert Louis Stevenson
... the Chevalier, "permit me to felicitate you upon your extraordinary escape." This was said ... — The Grey Cloak • Harold MacGrath
... object. The personal sympathies I wished for were those of fellow labourers in this enterprise. I endeavoured to pick up as many flowers as I could by the way; but as a serious and permanent personal satisfaction to rest upon, my whole reliance was placed on this; and I was accustomed to felicitate myself on the certainty of a happy life which I enjoyed, through placing my happiness in something durable and distant, in which some progress might be always making, while it could never be exhausted by complete attainment. ... — Autobiography • John Stuart Mill
... stood in Mr. Fishwick's eyes, and his voice shook. 'I felicitate you, sir,' he said, taking off his hat. 'God bless you, sir. Sir George, you are a very noble gentleman!' And then, remembering himself, he hastened to beg the gentleman's pardon for the liberty ... — The Castle Inn • Stanley John Weyman
... order to preserve the historical coherency of the narrative. But in doing this, the text has been retained inviolate, in so much that while we congratulate the world on the addition we are thus enabled to make to the stock of public knowledge, we cannot but felicitate ourselves on the complete and consistent form into which we have so successfully reduced our precious materials; the separation of which, from the dross of personal and private anecdote, was a task of no small difficulty; such, indeed, as the editors only of the autographic memoirs ... — The Provost • John Galt
... venam benignam, Si morum callidissimum pictorem, Unquam es miratus, Immorare paululum memoriae TOBIAE SMOLLET, M.D. Viri virtutibus HISCE Quas in homine et cive Et laudes et imiteris. Haud mediocriter ornati: Qui in literis variis versatus. Postquam felicitate SIBI PROPRIA Sese posteris commendaverat, Morte acerba raptus Anno oetatis 51 Eheul quam procul a patria! Prope Liburni portum in Italia, Jacet sepultus. Tali tantoque viro, patrueli suo, Cui in decursu lampada Se pottus tradidisse decuit, Hanc Columnam, Amoris, eheul inane ... — The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. • James Boswell
... test of nearly a decade, the founders of the first Menorah Society may be permitted to felicitate themselves on their choice of the name. For it was far truer of the Menorah than it is of most organizations that the choice of a name was of vital moment, and the founders were impressed by a number of considerations which we can all fully appreciate even today. They ... — The Menorah Journal, Volume 1, 1915 • Various
... the real will of the nation, and it was a foregone conclusion not only that the General would again be a candidate, but that the campaign of 1828 would at once begin. The defeated Senator remained in Washington long enough to present himself at the White House on Inauguration Day and felicitate his successful rival. Then he set out on the long journey homeward. Every town through Pennsylvania and along the Ohio turned out en masse to greet him, and at Nashville he was given a prodigious reception. To friends and traveling companions he talked constantly about the ... — The Reign of Andrew Jackson • Frederic Austin Ogg
... receive by M. de Vauban a letter from Count de Rochambeau, informing your Excellency that he will be here on the 13th or 14th of this month. I hope for the honor of seeing you here by the 15th at farthest, and I felicitate myself, that matters will concur to bring you here precisely at the time, when I shall celebrate the birth of the Dauphin. Your presence, and that of Mrs Washington, will render the festival complete, and I hope the gentlemen, who compose your family, ... — The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Vol. XI • Various |