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Evict   Listen
Evict  v. t.  (past & past part. evicted; pres. part. evicting)  
(Law) To dispossess by a judicial process; to dispossess by paramount right or claim of such right; to eject; to oust. "The law of England would speedily evict them out of their possession."
To evince; to prove. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Evict" Quotes from Famous Books

... *Circum around circumambient, circumference *Cum, com, with, together combine, consort, coadjutor con, co *Contra against contradict, contrast *De from, negative deplete, decry, demerit, declaim down, intensive *Di, dis asunder, away from, divert, disbelief negative *E, ex from, out of evict, excavate *Extra beyond extraordinary, extravagant *In in, into, not innate, instil, insignificant *Inter among, between intercollegiate, interchange *Intro, into, within introduce, intramural intra *Non negative nonage, nondescript ...
— The Century Vocabulary Builder • Creever & Bachelor

... business was barely surviving. He had let two girl workers go yesterday. The business ate up all his money, leaving his children to run around in rags. And that Madame Gaudron was pregnant again; this was almost indecent at her age. The landlord was going to evict the Coquets on the fifth floor. They owed nine months' rent, and besides, they insisted on lighting their stove out on the landing. Last Saturday the old lady on the sixth floor, Mademoiselle Remanjou, had arrived just in time to save the Linguerlot ...
— L'Assommoir • Emile Zola

Words linked to "Evict" :   eject, boot out, turf out, eviction

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