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Equerry   Listen
Equerry  n.  (pl. equerries)  
A large stable or lodge for horses.
An officer of princes or nobles, charged with the care of their horses. Note: In England equerries are officers of the royal household in the department of the Master of the Horse.

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"Equerry" Quotes from Famous Books

... Released from Vincennes, he hurried to the then Papal city of Avignon, where he introduced boxing-matches. England threatened to bombard Civita Vecchia, and Charles had to depart. Whither he went no man knows. There is a Jacobite tract of 1750, purporting to be written by his equerry, Henry Goring. According to this, Charles, Goring, and a mysterious Comte de la Luze (Marshal Keith?), went to Lyons, Dijon, Strasbourg. Here Charles rescued a beautiful girl from a fire, and honorably declined to take advantage of her manifest passion for her preserver. ...
— Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 5 of 8 • Various

... received the honour of knighthood, 12th March, 1660 or 1661; died 30th August, 1669; and was buried 9th September following at St. Andrew Undershaft, London. He had two sons, one of whom was Thomas Ryder, who was an equerry to King James II., and lord of the manor of Bilsington, in Kent. He performed some service at the coronation of Queen Anne; and his son, Sir Barnham Ryder, was knighted at the coronation of her successor. The other son of Sir William Ryder was William Ryder, gentleman. ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 18. Saturday, March 2, 1850 • Various

... men in whose charge he had been left. He was tired of being continually rescued from drowning in their conversation. Their intentional courtesy galled him. He felt like a negro chief being shown the sights of England by a tired equerry. It was a fine summer day, and he went down to the playing fields to watch the cricket match. He sat down in the shade of an oak tree on the unfrequented side, unable in the mood he was in to ask against whom the College was playing or which side was in. Players and spectators ...
— The Altar Steps • Compton MacKenzie

... made no common hurry to transfer it. I come with shame: yea, not without a pang! For scarce have I arrived here, scarce delivered 10 The mother and the daughter to your arms, But there is brought to me from your equerry A splendid richly-plated hunting dress So to remunerate me for my troubles—— Yes, yes, remunerate me! Since a trouble 15 It must be, a mere office, not a favour Which I leapt forward to receive, and which I came already with full heart to thank you ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Vol I and II • Samuel Taylor Coleridge

... uninvited—not only uninvited, but very unwelcome. She took possession of the palace of Fontainebleau with her attendants, where with cold courtesy she was tolerated. In a freak of passion, she accused her grand equerry, M. Monaldeschi, of high treason, and actually put him to death. So high-handed an outrage, even in those days of feudal barbarism, excited throughout France a universal feeling of disgust and indignation. The sentiment was so strong and general that ...
— Louis XIV., Makers of History Series • John S. C. Abbott

... was a singular sight to see the Mussulman escorting the Vicar of Christ. The Pope was installed at the Tuileries in the Pavilion of Flora. There were attached to his person M. de Viry, the Emperor's Chamberlain; M. de Luay, Prefect of the Palace, and Colonel Durosnel, Equerry. ...
— The Court of the Empress Josephine • Imbert de Saint-Amand

... judge Newdigate decided that the courts of law had not the power to discharge him. Upon Monk's coming to London, the secluded members passed a vote to liberate Pye, and at the Restoration he was appointed equerry to the ...
— Diary of Samuel Pepys, Complete • Samuel Pepys

... Jane, "if that is not Colonel Sands, the Princess's equerry. I do declare he is coming to speak to us, though he is one of the ...
— A Reputed Changeling • Charlotte M. Yonge

... were to have been in Speyer, or farther, at this time of the day; flying rapidly into France. "God's Providence alone prevented it! Pardon, pardon: slay me, your Majesty; but there is the naked truth, and the whole of it, and I have nothing more to say!" Hereupon ensues despatch of the Equerry; and hereupon, as we may conjecture, the Equerry's return with Fritz and the Trio is an ...
— History of Friedrich II of Prussia V 7 • Thomas Carlyle

... disorder, he reformed the line and stood firm with the colours. At Inkerman he distinguished himself by charging and repulsing a strong body of Russians with a few men; for which distinctions he was justly awarded the Victoria Cross. Lord Wantage was Equerry to the Prince of Wales, 1858-9; and has been Extra Equerry to His Royal Highness since 1874. He is also the Lord Lieutenant and a County Councillor of Berkshire. He married, in 1858, Harriet Sarah, only child of the first ...
— The Strand Magazine: Volume VII, Issue 37. January, 1894. - An Illustrated Monthly • Edited by George Newnes

... propensity moved one of the officers of the "Trump" to say that there was an equerry of His Royal Highness the Prince on board, and to point me out as the dignified personage in question. So the Syrian Prince was introduced to the Royal equerry, and a great many compliments passed between us. I even had the audacity to state that on my very last interview with my Royal master, His ...
— Notes on a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo • William Makepeace Thackeray

... laughed. "A little matter pleases thee hugely," said he; "but as to being ungainly, who so sayeth that of thee belieth thee, Myles; thou art not ungainly, sirrah. But that is not to the point. I have chosen thee for my equerry to-day; so make thou haste and don thine armor, and then come hither again, and Hollingwood will fit thee with a wreathed bascinet I have within, and a juppon embroidered with my arms ...
— Men of Iron • Ernie Howard Pyle

... says: "Madame Rameau is a virtuous woman, sweet and amiable, and she has made her husband very happy. She has much talent for music, a very pretty voice, and good taste in song." They had three children, one a son, who became equerry to the king, a daughter who became a nun, and another who married ...
— The Love Affairs of Great Musicians, Volume 1 • Rupert Hughes

... of Sweden was the daughter and heiress of the great Gustavus Adolphus. After a time she abdicated the throne and lived for some time in Paris, where she acted in one respect as if still possessed of royal authority, actually causing her equerry, Monaldeschi, to be hung ...
— Letters of Horace Walpole - Volume I • Horace Walpole

... upon his very prepossessing face and I did not at the moment notice the gentleman who followed him. When I did I started violently and the equerry walking with me asked what was ...
— A Queen's Error • Henry Curties

... ends—Piero dei Medici the gratification of his pride, the pope the aggrandisement of his house. He pointed out that armed fleets were in the ports of Villefranche, Marseilles, and Genoa, and that these armaments would be lost; he reminded him that he had sent Pierre d'Urfe, his grand equerry, on in advance, to have splendid accommodation prepared in the Spinola and Doria palaces. Lastly, he urged that ridicule and disgrace would fall on him from every side if he renounced an enterprise so loudly vaunted beforehand, for whose successful execution, moreover, he had been obliged to sign ...
— Celebrated Crimes, Complete • Alexandre Dumas, Pere

... walked-out, of the Louvre; as if for a promenade in, the Tuileries, and proceeded straightway to the stalls, where his horse stood saddled. Du Halde, his equerry, buckled his master's spurs on upside down. "No; matter;" said Henry; "I am not riding to see my mistress. I have a longer ...
— The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555-1566 • John Lothrop Motley

... Castres and the King's confessor; Simon Bonnet, afterwards Bishop of Senlis; and the Bishops of Macquelonne and of Poitiers. Among the lesser dignitaries of the Church was present a Dominican monk, named Sequier, whose account of the proceedings, and the notes kept by Gobert Thibault, an equerry of the King, are the only records of the examination extant. The scantiness of these accounts is all the more to be regretted, inasmuch as Joan frequently referred to the questions made to her, and her answers, at this trial at Poitiers, during ...
— Joan of Arc • Ronald Sutherland Gower

... care to eat, and he was not smoking; he did not want to join his own friends, that is Sergey Ivanovitch, Stepan Arkadyevitch, Sviazhsky and the rest, because Vronsky in his equerry's uniform was standing with them in eager conversation. Levin had seen him already at the meeting on the previous day, and he had studiously avoided him, not caring to greet him. He went to the window and ...
— Anna Karenina • Leo Tolstoy

... such was once more or less current; or, if this is too much to say of all, yet hazarded by good authors. Thus Holland wrote 'cirque', but we 'circus'; 'cense', but we 'census'; 'interreign', but we 'interregnum'; Sylvester 'cest', but we 'cestus'; 'quirry', but we 'equerry'; 'colosse', but we still 'colossus'; Golding 'ure', but we 'urus'; 'metropole', but we 'metropolis'; Dampier 'volcan', but this has not superseded 'volcano'; nor 'pagod' (Pope) 'pagoda'; nor 'skelet' (Holland) 'skeleton'; nor 'stimule' (Stubbs) 'stimulus'. Bolingbroke wrote 'exode', but ...
— English Past and Present • Richard Chenevix Trench

Words linked to "Equerry" :   official, tender, functionary, attender, attendant

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