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Equate   Listen
Equate  v. t.  (past & past part. equated; pres. part. equating)  To make equal; to reduce to an average; to make such an allowance or correction in as will reduce to a common standard of comparison; to reduce to mean time or motion; as, to equate payments; to equate lines of railroad for grades or curves; equated distances. "Palgrave gives both scrolle and scrowe and equates both to F(rench) rolle."
Equating for grades (Railroad Engin.), adding to the measured distance one mile for each twenty feet of ascent.
Equating for curves, adding half a mile for each 360 degrees of curvature.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Equate" Quotes from Famous Books

... equilibrium of demand and supply. They reveal that the equilibrium is established and maintained by the agency of changes in price, and they enable us to lay it down as perhaps the most important thing that can be said about the price of anything that it will tend to be such as will equate demand and supply. But that is not all that they reveal. They reveal also the extreme dependence of both demand ...
— Supply and Demand • Hubert D. Henderson

Words linked to "Equate" :   equating, tie, rival, equation, equalise, be, match, equal, consider, homologize, study, modify, homologise, draw, touch, equalize, liken, correspond, alter, change, homogenise, homogenize

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