"Entwine" Quotes from Famous Books
... taught to sit at the foot of the cross, and neither hope nor glory in anything else, we have made that the foundation. Under the cross you have watered us with the showers of divine instruction and prayers, that, like this vine, we might entwine about it and bear pleasant fruit. From this cross we learned, while yet in the bloom of life, like newly-opened flowers, to join together in sweet friendship. Above this we have placed a circle around the Holy Bible, that bright lamp of the Lord, that will ... — Woman And Her Saviour In Persia • A Returned Missionary
... ante-chamber you pass into the grand salon, which is elegantly adorned with architecture, a beautiful lustre hanging from the middle. Settees, chairs, and hangings of the richest silk, embroidered with gold; marble slabs upon Muted pillars, round which wreaths of artificial flowers in gold entwine. It is usual to find in all houses of fashion, as in this, several dozens of chairs, all of which have stuffed backs and cushions, standing in double rows round the rooms. The dining-room was equally ... — Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 1 • Charles Dudley Warner
... she believed they had prolonged their stay More than enow, the damsel made design In India to revisit her Catay, And with its crown Medoro's head entwine. She had upon her wrist an armlet, gay With costly gems, in witness and in sign Of love to her by Count Orlando borne, And which the damsel for ... — Orlando Furioso • Lodovico Ariosto
... of the night; and one of them, the lively brunette who had taken a part in the seguidilla, plucked some sprays of jasmine which reared their pointed leaves and white blossoms in front of the window, and began to entwine them in the hair of her companion—a pale and somewhat pensive beauty, in whose golden locks and blue eyes the Gothic blood of old Spain was yet to be traced. Presently she was interrupted in this fanciful occupation by a voice within ... — Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845. • Various
... by the gently gliding stream, On banks where purple violets spring, I see my Delia's beauties beam, I hear my lovely Delia sing, When hearts combine, And arms entwine, When fond caresses, am'rous kisses Yield the height of human blisses, Entranc'd I gaze, and sighing say, Thus let ... — Anna St. Ives • Thomas Holcroft
... and the orbs to move In the boundless vast, and the sunbeams clove The chaos; but only by fate's denial Are fathomed the fathomless depths of love. Man is the rugged and wrinkled oak, And woman the trusting and tender vine That clasps and climbs till its arms entwine The brawny arms of the sturdy stock. The dimpled babes are the flowers divine That the blessing of God on the vine and oak With their ... — The Feast of the Virgins and Other Poems • H. L. Gordon
... preamble occurs: "The purpose of this little book is to obviate the reluctance children evince to the irksome and insipid task of learning the names and meanings of the component parts of grammar. Our intention is to entwine roses with instruction, and however humble our endeavour may appear, let it be recollected that the efforts of a Mouse set the Lion free from his toils." This oddly phrased explanation is typical of the affected geniality of the governess. ... — Children's Books and Their Illustrators • Gleeson White
... ever boarded—I use the word advisedly—did not feel any more drawn to me than Poppy. Evidently I am not the type that cows entwine their affections about. She was Pennsylvania Dutch and shared Poppy's sturdy appetite, though it all went to figure. Two quaint maiden ladies next door took care of her and handed the milk over our fence, while it was still foaming in the pail. Miss Tabitha and Miss Letitia—how patient ... — The Smiling Hill-Top - And Other California Sketches • Julia M. Sloane
... Book This blissful leaf, with worst impiety. Think what the home would be if it were thine, Even thine, though few thy wants!—Roof, window, door, The very flowers are sacred to the Poor, The roses to the porch which they entwine: Yea, all, that now enchants thee, from the day On which it should be touch'd, would melt, ... — Poems In Two Volumes, Vol. 2 • William Wordsworth
... stopped suddenly (for you get so confused by the multitude of objects that you never see anything till you run against it) by a gray lichen-covered bar, as thick as your ankle. You follow it up with your eye, and find it entwine itself with three or four other bars, and roll over with them in great knots and festoons and loops twenty feet high, and then go up with them into the green cloud over your head, and vanish, as if a giant had thrown a ship's cables into the tree-tops. One of them, so grand that its form strikes ... — At Last • Charles Kingsley
... is thy form, dear, native home of mine,— A gold-net hammock swung from palm to pine, Moved by the breezes of the peaceful sea, And in the net, smiling so drowsily, My mother California, queen divine, Rests, while the poppy garlands her entwine. ... — In Macao • Charles A. Gunnison
... want to show him in a new light. Grave Sam, and great Sam, and solemn Sam, and learned Sam,—all these he has appeared over and over. Now I want to entwine a wreath of the graces across his brow; I want to show him as gay Sam, agreeable Sam, pleasant Sam; so you must help me with some of his beautiful billets to ... — The Diary and Letters of Madam D'Arblay Volume 2 • Madame D'Arblay
... wouldst still be adored, as this moment thou art, Let thy loveliness fade as it will, And around the dear ruin each wish of my heart Would entwine ... — Penelope's Irish Experiences • Kate Douglas Wiggin
... coast. On one side is a vexed and wintry sea, three thousand miles of tossing waves and tempest, beyond which lie the home, the hedgerows and cottages, the church towers, the libraries and universities, the habits and associations of an old civilization, the strongest and dearest ties that can entwine around a human heart, abandoned now definitely and forever by these wanderers; on the other side a wintry forest of unknown extent, without highways, the lair of wild beasts, impenetrable except by trails ... — Baddeck and That Sort of Thing • Charles Dudley Warner
... call Herb Margaret In honour of Cortona's penitent; Whose contrite soul with red remorse was rent. While on her penitence kind Heaven did throwe The white of puritie surpassing snowe; So white and rede in this faire floure entwine, Which maids are wont to ... — The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare • Henry Nicholson Ellacombe
... am beginning to opine Those girls are only half-divine Whose waists yon wicked boys entwine In ... — Imaginary Conversations and Poems - A Selection • Walter Savage Landor
... lives an angel in a higher sphere. This pained and twisted cripple seemed to find Pleasure in living for her kinsfolk dear. Hard work an honour, in her duty clear To wives of brothers in the fighting line; Women and children gather round her here; For round their hearts her nature did entwine, Her beaming face proclaimed 'See, ... — Over the Top With the Third Australian Division • G. P. Cuttriss
... round the radiant Jerusalem. A river flows from the throne of the Almighty, watering the Celestial Eden with floods of pure love and of the wisdom of God. The mystic wave divides into streams which entwine themselves, separate, rejoin, and part again, giving nourishment to the immortal vine, to the lily that is like unto the Bride, and to all the flowers which perfume the couch of the Spouse. The Tree of Life shoots up on the Hill ... — A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 - To the Close of the 19th Century • George Saintsbury
... torch be removed. Your innocence must be more deeply attested," continued he, as the light was withdrawn. "This proof will not fail. Entwine your ... — Rookwood • William Harrison Ainsworth
... intertropical regions. Stately trees of many kinds, with smooth and highly coloured barks, are loaded by parasitical monocotyledonous plants; large and elegant ferns are numerous, and arborescent grasses entwine the trees into one entangled mass to the height of thirty or forty feet above the ground. Palm-trees grow in latitude 37 degrees; an arborescent grass, very like a bamboo, in 40 degrees; and another closely allied kind, of great ... — A Naturalist's Voyage Round the World - The Voyage Of The Beagle • Charles Darwin
... most sacred elements of our nature, and the most dangerous with which to tamper. It is a very beautiful and delicately contrived faculty, producing the most delightful results, but easily thrown out of repair—like a tender plant, the delicate fibers of which incline gradually to entwine themselves around its beloved one, uniting two willing hearts by a thousand endearing ties, and making of "twain one flesh": but they are easily torn asunder, and then adieu to the joys of ... — Searchlights on Health - The Science of Eugenics • B. G. Jefferis and J. L. Nichols
... around him, and their eyes With tears were brimming as they made sweet moan; And side by side they laid them, and their hearts Thrilled with remembrance of old spousal joy. And as a vine and ivy entwine their stems Each around other, that no might of wind Avails to sever them, so clung these twain Twined in the passionate embrace ... — The Fall of Troy • Smyrnaeus Quintus
... Heart of her lover, Beating in tune with mine. Never the two their love can recover, Never their arms entwine. Freeze! Freeze! Heart in this cauldron, ... — Edmund Dulac's Fairy-Book - Fairy Tales of the Allied Nations • Edmund Dulac
... ling'ring on my ear, Shall force its way thro' many a gushing tear: The Muse, that saw thy op'ning beauties spread, That lov'd thee living, shall lament thee dead! Ye graceful Virtues! while the note I breathe, Of sweetest flow'rs entwine a fun'ral wreath,— Of virgin flow'rs, and place them round his tomb, To bud, like him, and perish in their bloom! Ah! when these eyes saw thee serenely wait The last long separating stroke of Fate,— When round thy bed a kindred weeping train Call'd on thy voice to greet ... — Poems • Sir John Carr
... mine eyes with thine. True wife, Round my true heart thine arms entwine; My other dearer life in life, Look through my ... — Olive - A Novel • Dinah Maria Craik, (AKA Dinah Maria Mulock)
... look; Intruders—who would tear from Nature's book This precious leaf with harsh impiety. Think what the home must be if it were thine, Even thine, though few thy wants! Roof, window, door, The very flowers are sacred to the Poor, The roses to the porch which they entwine: Yea, all that now enchants thee, from the day On which it should be touched, would ... — Wordsworth • F. W. H. Myers
... the village, which stretched far away into the country. The whole place hummed like a beehive on a July morning. Many sang to themselves as they went about their business, and sometimes a couple of girls, meeting in the roadway, would entwine their arms and dance a few steps together, with a kiss at parting. There was a sense of high spirits everywhere. At one place we found a group of children sitting in the shade of some trees, while a woman of ... — The Child of the Dawn • Arthur Christopher Benson
... stroke. It is true, that like its ancient sire, that was "more subtile than all the beasts of the field," it has inherited a large portion of his most prominent characteristic—an idiosyncrasy with the animal—that enables him to entwine himself into the greater part of the Church and other institutions of the country, which having once entered there, leaves his venom, which put such a spell on the conductors of those institutions, that is only on condition that a colored person consents to go to the neighborhood of his kindred ... — The Condition, Elevation, Emigration, and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States • Martin R. Delany
... omit the lesson in grammar for today in order to induce the spirits of our pupils to react to the story of Jephthah's daughter. For once they have emotionalized it, have really felt its power, this story will become to them a rare possession and will entwine itself in the warp and woof of their lives and form a pattern of exceeding beauty whose colors will not fade. They shall hear the solemn vow of the father to sacrifice unto the Lord the first living creature that meets his gaze after the victory over his enemies. ... — The Reconstructed School • Francis B. Pearson
... what a good, pure woman promises herself when she proposes to entwine her clean life with one that is scarred, seamed and blackened. Evade the truth as she may, there are but two courses for her to pursue. She must either live a lonely life apart from her husband's, frowning down, or silently showing ... — The Secret of a Happy Home (1896) • Marion Harland
... yet sweeter far the sound She breathed of 'Father mine' The knight awoke; Another moment and their arms entwine. She checked the word ere from his lips it broke 'Forgive'! Father and child ... — Rowena & Harold - A Romance in Rhyme of an Olden Time, of Hastyngs and Normanhurst • Wm. Stephen Pryer
... Death no obstacle entwine With the new web which here my fingers fold, And if I 'scape from beauty's tyrant hold While natural truth with truth reveal'd I join, Perchance a work so double will be mine Between our modern style and language old, That (timidly I speak, with ... — The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems of Petrarch • Petrarch
... summer days! O moonlight nights! After so drear a storm how can ye shine? O smiling world of many-hued delights, How canst thou 'round our sad hearts still entwine The accustomed wreaths of pleasure? How, O Day, Wakest thou so full of beauty? Twilight deep, How diest thou so tranquilly away? And how, O Night, bring'st thou the sphere of sleep? For she is gone from us,—gone, lost for ever,— In the wild billows swallowed ... — At Home And Abroad - Or, Things And Thoughts In America and Europe • Margaret Fuller Ossoli
... Thus the prophetic word fulfils itself, That with my life shall terminate my woe. How easy 'tis for me, whose heart is crush'd, Whose sense is deaden'd by a hand divine, Thus to renounce the beauteous light of day! And must the son of Atreus not entwine The wreath of conquest round his dying brow— Must I, as my forefathers, as my sire, Bleed like a victim,—an ignoble death— So be it! Better at the altar here, Than in a nook obscure, where kindred hands Have ... — The German Classics of The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, • Editor-in-Chief: Kuno Francke
... one large grave, in the cemetery of the Recoleta, and the spot is now marked by a square piece of ground, full of bright flowers, enclosed by iron railings, almost hidden by the creepers that entwine them, and shaded by willows, orange-trees, cypresses, and pomegranates. In the centre is a large cross, and on either side of the iron railings there is a marble tablet with the simple but touching inscription, ... — A Voyage in the 'Sunbeam' • Annie Allnut Brassey
... things to greet the heart and eyes In Arno's dome of Art's most princely shrine, Where Sculpture with her rainbow Sister vies;[444] There be more marvels yet—but not for mine; For I have been accustomed to entwine My thoughts with Nature rather in the fields, Than Art in galleries: though a work divine Calls for my Spirit's homage, yet it yields Less than it feels, because ... — The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 2 • George Gordon Byron
... resemble young trees: I once ascended one of them four feet above the ground. These produce natural arbours, rendered often still more compact by the assistance of an annual creeping plant which we call a vine, that never fails to entwine itself among their branches, and always produces a very desirable shade. From this simple grove I have amused myself an hundred times in observing the great number of humming birds with which our country ... — Letters from an American Farmer • Hector St. John de Crevecoeur
... v. n. To twine, or move in an irregular or sinuous manner. Rangling plants are plants which entwine round other plants, as the ... — The Dialect of the West of England Particularly Somersetshire • James Jennings
... that are to be The sad completion of my weary life, In ghostly mantles of despairing strife Your phanton dimness darkly shadows me! Gaunt demons dancing from your horrid halls Entwine my soul in gloomy arms of woe, While mystic fancies to my madness show The monsters on ... — Oklahoma and Other Poems • Freeman E. Miller
... most beaten road of everyday She waits him, unsuspected and unknown. The hardest pang whereon He lays his mutinous head may be a Jacob's stone. In the most iron crag his foot can tread A Dream may strew her bed, And suddenly his limbs entwine, And draw him down through rock as sea-nymphs might through brine. But, unlike those feigned temptress-ladies who In guerdon of a night the lover slew, When the embrace has failed, the rapture fled, Not he, not he, ... — Sister Songs • Francis Thompson
... is the equivalent of the Latin in, meaning in, into, within; as in encage, encase, encircle, enclose, encourage, enrage, enroll, entangle, entice, entomb, entrap, entwine, ... — Orthography - As Outlined in the State Course of Study for Illinois • Elmer W. Cavins
... prison with a thud, rebounded instantly and landed on the neck of the great serpent before it could turn to follow his movements. The strategy had been successful. Writhe and shake itself as it would, the reptile could not dislodge the jaguar; nor was it possible to entwine him with the coils that groped and threshed about in vain for an effective hold, so closely did he cling. His claws were buried deep in the snake's flesh while his teeth had closed like the jaws of a trap upon the slender neck just below ... — The Black Phantom • Leo Edward Miller
... citing more Who jump'd of old, by hazard or design, Nor plague the weary ghosts of boyish lore, Vulcan, Apollo, Phaeton—in fine All Tooke's Pantheon. Yet they grew divine By their long tumbles; and if we can match Their hierarchy, shall we not entwine One wreath? Who ever came "up to the scratch," And for so little, jumped ... — Masterpieces Of American Wit And Humor • Thomas L. Masson (Editor)
... The tabloids found it a fine opportunity for hatching all sorts of hoaxes. In those newspapers short of copy, you saw the reappearance of every gigantic imaginary creature, from "Moby Dick," that dreadful white whale from the High Arctic regions, to the stupendous kraken whose tentacles could entwine a 500-ton craft and drag it into the ocean depths. They even reprinted reports from ancient times: the views of Aristotle and Pliny accepting the existence of such monsters, then the Norwegian stories of Bishop Pontoppidan, the narratives of Paul Egede, and finally the reports of Captain ... — 20000 Leagues Under the Seas • Jules Verne
... soul, soul, soul of mine: Soul, soul, soul of thine! Thy soul, my soul, two souls entwine, And sing ... — Innocents abroad • Mark Twain
... one stone that was removed, a hundred fell. The work was hence extremely dangerous. I possessed no tools, nor machines of any description. I resorted to the machete of my Indians, the trees of the forest, and the vines that entwine their trunks. I formed a frame-work to prevent ... — The Mayas, the Sources of Their History / Dr. Le Plongeon in Yucatan, His Account of Discoveries • Stephen Salisbury, Jr.
... veined and glossy Was enwrought with eglantine; And the wild hop fibred closely, And the large-leaved columbine, Arch of door and window mullion, did right sylvanly entwine. ... — Lives of Girls Who Became Famous • Sarah Knowles Bolton
... them, as there is from musical, sometimes in silence, from all voices. For this queen of colours, the light, bathing all which we behold, wherever I am through the day, gliding by me in varied forms, soothes me when engaged on other things, and not observing it. And so strongly doth it entwine itself, that if it be suddenly withdrawn, it is with longing sought for, and if absent ... — The Confessions of Saint Augustine • Saint Augustine
... arrived safe in England; Oliver and his sister were affectionately received by their grandfather. From that day forward he would scarcely part from Virginia, so completely did she entwine herself round ... — The Settlers - A Tale of Virginia • William H. G. Kingston
... past and present, and the coming power Of the great darkness that will fall on me: Roses and jasmine twine the bridal bower— If ever bower and bridal joy be mine, Horror and darkness must that bower entwine." ... — A Hidden Life and Other Poems • George MacDonald
... thus entwine, In firmer chains our hearts confine; Than all th' unmeaning protestations, Which swell with nonsense, love orations. Our love is fix'd, I think we've prov'd it, Nor time, nor place, nor art, have mov'd it; Then wherefore should we sigh, ... — Fugitive Pieces • George Gordon Noel Byron
... that used by druggists or the like—but green, if possible, in color, for obvious reasons—is stretched as taught as may be, so that when finished the whole house or space used is occupied by these naked strings, on which, as the growth proceeds, the plants entwine themselves. Some care will be required at first to get them started, after which they will ... — Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56: No. 3, January 19, 1884. - A Weekly Journal for the Farm, Orchard and Fireside • Various
... adieu to thee now! There is grief in my spirit, there's gloom on my brow, I have left the sweet scenes where I knelt at thy shrine, O Learning! thy wreath with my name to entwine. ... — Lays of Ancient Virginia, and Other Poems • James Avis Bartley
... opposing armies. Every man regarded his wife with suspicion, and he was at the same time conscious of a strange cheerful indifference on the part of his wife that was unnatural and offensive. Half the clinging-vine love with which women entwine their husbands is not love at all, but a nameless anxiety due to their sense of helplessness. Transpose the conditions of each and the same beseeching look so often seen in women's faces will be ludicrously mixed with the whiskers on the faces of their lords. The only ineradicable ... — The Co-Citizens • Corra Harris
... entwine The seely Shepherd's brow, A nobler wreath I'll win for mine, The Lawrel's ... — Notes and Queries, Number 33, June 15, 1850 • Various
... keep our honored dead Within the folds of thy great-pulsing heart! Entwine their memory with thy polished lore: Cherish the sacred dust above their bed Who sprang to shield thee from the traitor's dart! Bless evermore The dead who died ... — The Continental Monthly, Vol. 3 No 2, February 1863 - Devoted To Literature And National Policy • Various
... on that grave where English oak and holly And laurel wreaths entwine, Deem it not all a too presumptuous folly,— ... — The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete • John Forster
... glances look around The realm you rule, for this is haunted ground! Here stalks the Sorcerer, here the Fairy trips, Here limps the Witch with malice-working lips, The Graces here their snowy arms entwine, Here dwell the fairest sisters of the Nine,— She who, with jocund voice and twinkling eye, Laughs at the brood of follies as they fly; She of the dagger and the deadly bowl, Whose charming horrors ... — The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Complete • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
... sweet nightingale, nor show By thy softly witching strain Trilling forth thy bliss and woe, How a man might feel love's pain, When a bird can feel his so. No: it was that wanton vine That in fond pursuit has sought The tall tree it doth entwine, Till the green weight it hath brought Makes the noble trunk decline. Green entwining boughs that hold What you love in your embrace, Make my fancy not too bold:— Ah, if boughs thus interlace, How would clasping arms infold!— ... — The Wonder-Working Magician • Pedro Calderon de la Barca
... Ride up and fall in line; Their gleaming swords hang at their sides, Chevrons their arms entwine; They bare their heads as pass along A train of wounded men, Their shattered comrades from the field They ne'er may ... — Gleams of Sunshine - Optimistic Poems • Joseph Horatio Chant
... surrenders Hand, foot, lip, to dust again, May these loved and loving faces Please other men! May the rustling harvest hedgerow Still the Traveller's Joy entwine, And as happy children gather Posies ... — Collected Poems 1901-1918 in Two Volumes - Volume I. • Walter de la Mare
... himself, in a kind of introduction that is almost an apology, as "a few interrupted thoughts that entwine themselves, with more or less system, around two or three subjects." He declares that there is nothing it undertakes to prove; that there are none whose mission it is to convince. And so true is this, so absolutely honest and sincere is the writer, that he does not shrink from ... — Wisdom and Destiny • Maurice Maeterlinck
... occupation of the Imperial viceroy is both lucrative and noble; While that of a relater of imagined tales is by no means esteemed. But he who thus expressed himself would not exchange with the other; For around the identity of each heroine he can entwine the personality of one whom he has encountered. And thus she is ... — Kai Lung's Golden Hours • Ernest Bramah
... in these epoch making days 1564-1616 Shakespeare wrote and staged his plays; Weaving a thread whose magic strands Entwine all English-speaking lands. Fifteen-eight-seven Scots' Queen Mary Lost her head through fate contrary. When Henry Eight had robbed the Church 'Twas found the poor were in the lurch; Poor Law A law was passed about this date To place ... — A Humorous History of England • C. Harrison
... the sunset. Then I recognized the Fortunate Islands spoken of by Pindar, and the paradise of the Greeks. "Round these the ocean breezes blow and golden flowers are glowing, some from the land on trees of splendour, and some the water feedeth, with wreaths whereof they entwine their hands." {124} And, as Pindar says again, "for them shineth below the strength of the sun, while in our world it is night, and the space of crimson-flowered meadows before their city is full of the ... — In the Wrong Paradise • Andrew Lang
... coffee-and-milk color, and, indeed, this color is considered handsome throughout the whole country, a fair complexion being as much a test of beauty with them as with us. As they draw out their hair into small cords a foot in length, and entwine the inner bark of a certain tree round each separate cord, and dye this substance of a reddish color, many of them put me in mind of the ancient Egyptians. The great mass of dressed hair which they possess reaches to the shoulders, ... — Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa - Journeys and Researches in South Africa • David Livingstone
... who would cut the knot that does entwine And link two loving hearts in unison, May have man's form; but at his birth, be sure on't, Some devil thrust sweet nature's hand aside Ere she had pour'd her balm within his breast, To warm his gross and earthly ... — Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. • Pierce Egan
... with kisses; Their arms about me entwine; Till I think of the Bishop of Bingen In his Mouse-Tower ... — The Elson Readers, Book 5 • William H. Elson and Christine M. Keck
... they dived after the sinking girl. Lily was not unconscious, and the moment one of the twins grabbed her, Lily tried to entwine her in her arms. ... — The Girls of Central High on Lake Luna - or, The Crew That Won • Gertrude W. Morrison
... near akin to hate, Thou wouldst denounce me; and, like one elate, Thou wouldst entwine me in thine arms so white, As soldier-nymphs, with rapt and raging sight, Made war with spearsmen in the vales of song, The vales of Sparta where, for right or wrong, The gods were potent, and, for beauty's sake, Upheld the tourneys of the fair ... — A Lover's Litanies • Eric Mackay
... of wealth or lore, The flowers of nature here shall thrive, Affection keep those flowers alive; And they shall strike the melting heart, Beyond the utmost power of art; Planted on graves[1], their stems entwine, And every blossom is a line [Footnote 1: To the custom of scattering flowers over the graves of departed friends, David ap Gwillym beautifully alludes in one of his odes. "O whilst thy season of flowers, and thy tender sprays thick of leaves remain, I will pluck the roses from the brakes, the flowerets ... — The Banks of Wye • Robert Bloomfield
... or distrust, cast between them; which, had they not been disjoined in the residence of their persons, as that was the fortune of their employments, the one side attending the Court, and the other the Pavilion, surely they would have broken out into some kind of hostility, or, at least, they would entwine and wrestle one in the other, like trees circled with ivy; for there was a time when, both these fraternities being met at Court, there passed a challenge between them at certain exercises, the Queen and the old men being spectators, which ended ... — Travels in England and Fragmenta Regalia • Paul Hentzner and Sir Robert Naunton
... old elasticity of her spirits, the merry ring of her voice, the pleasant thrills of girlish laughter, and though she never confesses it to me I doubt that Jeanette is happy. And with this sad experience in the past can you blame me if I am slow, very slow to let the broken tendrils of my heart entwine again?" ... — Sowing and Reaping • Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
... assume—the glory of having saved the property of my worthy employer, as far as lay in my power, during those tremendous days of havoc and devastation, for the laurel wreath with which French adulation attempts most unseasonably to entwine the brow of the imperial commander, on account of ... — Frederic Shoberl Narrative of the Most Remarkable Events Which Occurred In and Near Leipzig • Frederic Shoberl (1775-1853)
... culled from the shades of enamelled bowers, But watered by love's own gentle showers. In tones of affection we here would speak; To waken an echo of love we seek; We mingle our tears for the early dead, To the land of spirits before us fled. While a moral we humbly would here entwine With the flowers we lay on affection's shrine, We pray that the light of religion may dawn, To brighten our pathway each coming morn. Then with love for each other OUR GIFT we bring, And love for the memories that round it ... — Our Gift • Teachers of the School Street Universalist Sunday School, Boston
... still pearly wet, Roses and spicy pinks,—and, of all favors, Plant in his walks the purple violet, And meadow-sweet under the hedges set, To mingle breaths with dainty eglantine And honeysuckles sweet,—nor yet forget Some pastoral flowery chaplets to entwine, To vie the thoughts about his ... — The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood • Thomas Hood
... victorious in a sanguinary conflict. He had been becalmed in the tropical seas, and had watched, in eager expectation, though unhappily always in vain, to see the colossal polypus rise from the water, and entwine its enormous arms round the masts and the rigging. He maintained the origin of all things from water, and insisted that the polypodes were the first of animated things, and that, from their round bodies and many-shooting arms, the Hindoos had taken ... — Nightmare Abbey • Thomas Love Peacock
... beautiful fancies into a halo of harmony and happiness for the coming year. We call these "trifles," but in the best sense of the term—ay, the air-plants of literature, whose light flowers and fancies shoot up and entwine with our best affections, and even lend a charm to the loveliest ... — The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 14, No. 399, Supplementary Number • Various
... man would feel for me. And, voluptuous vine, O thou Who seekest most when least pursuing,— To the trunk thou interlacest Art the verdure which embracest And the weight which is its ruin,— No more, with green embraces, vine, Make me think on what thou lovest; For while thou thus thy boughs entwine, I fear lest thou shouldst teach me, sophist, How arms might be entangled too. Light-enchanted sunflower, thou Who gazest ever true and tender On the sun's revolving splendor, Follow not his faithless glance With thy faded countenance, Nor teach my ... — Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 7 • Various
... thou above his shoulders broad thy lily arms entwine, The luxury of monarchs proud ... — The Elegies of Tibullus • Tibullus
... a pilgrim from the shrine Of Poesy's fair temple, brings a wreath Which fame and gratitude alike entwine, Around a name that charms the monster Death, And bids him pause!—Amidst despairing life BIRKBECK's the harbinger of hope and health; When sordid affluence was with man at strife, He boldly stripp'd the veil, and show'd the wealth To aged ignorance, and ardent youth, Of ... — Poems (1828) • Thomas Gent
... wonder-house of a world. Even that waltz tune, floating away, would find some melody to wed, and twine with, and produce a fresh chord that might float in turn to catch the hum of a gnat or fly, and breed again. Queer—how everything sought to entwine with something else! On one of the pinkish blooms of the hydrangea he noted a bee—of all things, in this hidden-away garden of tiles and gravel and plants in tubs! The little furry, lonely thing was drowsily clinging there, as if it had forgotten what it had come for—seduced, maybe, like himself, ... — Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy
... glance, as if she were a bud first opening her heart with wondering rapture to the morning. Such young unfurrowed souls roll to meet each other like two velvet peaches that touch softly and are at rest; they mingle as easily as two brooklets that ask for nothing but to entwine themselves and ripple with ever-interlacing curves in the leafiest hiding-places. While Arthur gazed into Hetty's dark beseeching eyes, it made no difference to him what sort of English she spoke; and even if hoops and powder had been in fashion, he would very likely not have been sensible ... — Adam Bede • George Eliot
... also it was a marvel to see in that castle how by magic they make a compost out of fecund wheatkidneys out of Chaldee that by aid of certain angry spirits that they do in to it swells up wondrously like to a vast mountain. And they teach the serpents there to entwine themselves up on long sticks out of the ground and of the scales of these serpents they brew out a ... — Ulysses • James Joyce
... the use, if my sight grew, And its far branches were cloud-hung, You small at the roots, like grass, While the new lips my spirit would kiss Were not red lips of flesh, But the huge kiss of power? Where yesterday soft hair through my fingers fell, A shaggy mane would entwine, And no slim form work fire to my thighs, But human Life's inarticulate mass Throb the pulse of a thing Whose mountain flanks awry Beg my mastery—mine! Ah! I will ride the dizzy beast of ... — Georgian Poetry 1916-17 • Various
... then a tale of glory Shall yet again be thine, And the record of thy story The Laurel shall entwine; Oh, noble Carolina! oh, proud and lordly State! Heroic deeds shall crown thee, and the Nations own ... — War Poetry of the South • Various
... desert the naked skull, The mold'ring flesh the bone, Till Helen's lily arms entwine ... — Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 7 • Various
... said Mr. Dutton; "they have to guard their charges from the insidious approaches of ineligible youths, and assist them to entwine in their ... — Bluebell - A Novel • Mrs. George Croft Huddleston
... us entwine arms with Memory, and wander back through the avenues of life to childhood's sunny dell, and as we return more leisurely pluck the wild flowers that grow beside the pathway, and entwine them for Memory's garland, and ... — Withered Leaves from Memory's Garland • Abigail Stanley Hanna
... Tom King and the Frenchman had not immortalised Seven Dials, Seven Dials would have immortalised itself. Seven Dials! the region of song and poetry—first effusions, and last dying speeches: hallowed by the names of Catnach and of Pitts—names that will entwine themselves with costermongers, and barrel-organs, when penny magazines shall have superseded penny yards of song, and ... — Sketches by Boz - illustrative of everyday life and every-day people • Charles Dickens
... Parents, mothers especially, will love their children, though ever so unkind and disobedient. Their eyes of compassion, of real sentimental affection, will be involuntarily extended after them, in their greatest excesses of iniquity; and those fine filaments of consanguinity, which gently entwine themselves around the heart where filial love and parental care is equal, will be lengthened, and enlarged to cords seemingly of sufficient strength to reach and reclaim the wanderer. I know that such exercises are frequently unavailing; but, notwithstanding their ultimate failure, ... — A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison • James E. Seaver
... courted the breath of a balm southern clime, Where sweetest of flow'rs, soft tendrils entwine; Have listed the song bird's notes borne on the air, That wakens and wafts the rich odors elsewhere; As tones on the ear so the dream of the past, Softly plays round the heart-green isle of the waste; Yes! 'twas all a life-dream, and still 'tis not gone, Oh, 'tis home where the heart ... — Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 3 September 1848 • Various
... light brown. The young lady's costume consists of a loose dressing gown, trimmed around the top and on the ends of the sleeves with bands of red cloth, and gold paper cut in the form of diamonds. The hair should hang loosely over the shoulders, and about the head entwine a string of beads; the head is slightly turned to the young man; the eyes directed to the idol; the face and arms stained like the young man's. The extreme ends of the platform are occupied by two figures costumed similar to those already described. ... — Home Pastimes; or Tableaux Vivants • James H. Head
... round these hoary piles, is not, however, always dark and gloomy. Love, war, adventure, occasionally lend them their exciting or their soft glamour. Sometimes the annals of commerce entwine them with a green wreath—a sure talisman against the rust of oblivion. It is one of the land marks of commerce we purpose here briefly ... — Picturesque Quebec • James MacPherson Le Moine
... advancing with Power, will entwine With Honour and Justice a Mercy divine; No Despot shall trample—no slave shall be bound— Oppression must totter and fall to the ground. The stain of all ages, tyrannical sway, Will pass like a flash or a shadow away, And shrink to nothing 'neath thunderbolts ... — The Poems of Henry Kendall • Henry Kendall
... Mt. Pleasant and Columbia, the most beautiful country that the sun of heaven ever shone upon; and half way between the two places is St. John's Church. Its tower is all covered over with a beautiful vine of ivy; and, Johnny, you know that in olden times it was the custom to entwine a wreath of ivy around the brows of victorious generals. We have no doubt that many of your brave generals will express a wish, when they pass by, to be buried beneath the ivy vine that shades so gracefully and beautifully the wall of this grand old church. ... — "Co. Aytch" - Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment - or, A Side Show of the Big Show • Sam R. Watkins
... devour me with kisses, Their arms about me entwine, Till I think of the Bishop of Bingen In his ... — Poems Teachers Ask For • Various
... away from sight, The hero turns his face toward the light; Nine kaspu walks, till weird the rays now gleam, As zi-mu-ri behind the shadows stream. He sees beyond, umbrageous grots and caves, Where odorous plants entwine their glistening leaves. And lo! the trees bright flashing gems here bear! And trailing vines and flowers do now appear, That spread before his eyes a welcome sight, Like a sweet dream of some mild summer night. But, oh! his path ... — Babylonian and Assyrian Literature • Anonymous
... stately Kentish spire, Ye have one tale to tell. Lost is that camp, but let its fragrant story Blend with the breath that thrills With hop vines' incense all the pensive glory That fills the Kentish hills. And on that grave where English oak and holly And laurel wreath entwine, Deem it not all a too presumptuous folly, This spray ... — Life's Enthusiasms • David Starr Jordan
... herself short in the middle of a laugh if he happened to speak, and the softness of her mouth would harden in an instant. He understood the significance of her gladness, and of Porter's, for twice he saw their hands come together, and their fingers entwine. And in their eyes was something which they could not hide when they looked at each other. But Breault puzzled him. He did not know that Breault was the best man-hunter in "N" Division, which reached from Athabasca ... — The Country Beyond - A Romance of the Wilderness • James Oliver Curwood
... 24 is in A flat. It is pleasing, not deep, a real dance with an ornamental coda. But the next! Ah! here is a gem, a beautiful and exquisitely colored poem. In B flat minor, it sends out prehensile filaments that entwine and draw us into the centre of a wondrous melody, laden with rich odors, odors that almost intoxicate. The figuration is tropical, and when the major is reached and those glancing thirty-seconds so ... — Chopin: The Man and His Music • James Huneker
... Love! in such a wilderness as this, Where transport and security entwine, Here is the empire of thy perfect bliss, And here thou art a god indeed divine.' The bard I quote from does not sing amiss, With the exception of the second line, For that same twining 'transport and security' Are twisted to a phrase of ... — Don Juan • Lord Byron
... Browning should come home to die in her Florence, in her Casa Guidi, where she had passed her happy married life, where her boy was born, and where she had watched and rejoiced over the second birth of a great nation. Her heart-strings did not entwine themselves around Rome as around Florence, and it seems as though life had been so eked out that she might find a lasting sleep in Florence. Rome holds fast its Shelley and Keats, to whose lowly graves there is many a reverential pilgrimage; and now Florence, ... — Atlantic Monthly, Volume 8, No. 47, September, 1861 • Various
... the bollworm had attacked the cotton—the poison ivy was reaching out its tendrils to entwine the summer boarder—the millionaire lumberman, thinly disguised as the Alaskan miner, was about to engulf our ... — The Four Million • O. Henry
... old when they come to the West. They are like a vine whose tendrils are rudely torn from a branch around which they have wound themselves, and are so hardened by time that they can not entwine themselves around another support. Such men forever worship, looking to the East. They form no new friendships; engage in no new enterprises; they care for nobody, and nobody cares for them. They live ... — Personal Recollections of Pardee Butler • Pardee Butler
... wreaths shall we entwine For our dear boys to deck their holy shrine? Mountain-laurel, morning-glory, Goldenrod and asters blue, Purple loosestrife, prince's-pine, Wild-azalea, meadow-rue, Nodding-lilies, columbine,— All the native blooms that grew In these fresh woods and pastures new, Wherein they loved ... — The Poems of Henry Van Dyke • Henry Van Dyke
... been to Palestine. WHAT DID YOU SEE IN PALESTINE? Cedars on Mount Lebanon, Gold in Ophir's mine, And a wicked generation Seeking for a sign And Baal's howling worshippers Their god with leaves entwine. And ... I saw the war-horse ramping And shake his forelock fine— By a weeping willow tree ... — Chinese Nightingale • Vachel Lindsay
... parts of the north too it should be observed, it is customary for men to go out and cut large ash and holly sticks and entwine them over the doors of their houses. And in Cumberland, little maidens assemble on Christmas to guess who their husband shall be, which is done by collecting peculiar sticks, and looking for some singular mark upon them. This is the time ... — The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, No. 290 - Volume X. No. 290. Saturday, December 29, 1827. • Various
... gaze, But view the beauteous boy with more amaze, His rosy-color'd cheeks, his radiant eyes, His motions, voice, and shape, and all the god's disguise; Nor pass unprais'd the vest and veil divine, Which wand'ring foliage and rich flow'rs entwine. But, far above the rest, the royal dame, (Already doom'd to love's disastrous flame,) With eyes insatiate, and tumultuous joy, Beholds the presents, and admires the boy. The guileful god about the hero long, With children's play, and ... — The Aeneid • Virgil
... palm-branches and half-obliterated bearings. Vine-leaves and bunches of grapes decorate some of the more ancient columns inside the church, and grotesque medival monsters, such as monkish architects habitually delighted in, entwine themselves around the capitals of others. The stalls of the choir are elaborately carved with cherubs' heads, medallions and figures of saints, cupids supporting shields, and free and graceful arabesques ... — Facts About Champagne and Other Sparkling Wines • Henry Vizetelly
... "Ha! Come, thou serpent, entwine my neck and strangle the betrayer," and hastily ties it about his neck and tightens it, then rushes up to the branch of a tree for suicide, and the curtain closes before the 4,000 ... — T. De Witt Talmage - As I Knew Him • T. De Witt Talmage
... begin to unroll and entwine the heads of departments, and every man who has any authority whatever will wait for orders from some one higher up. Therefore, while the whole nation cheers the street parades and the flags and the soldier boys ... — Starr, of the Desert • B. M Bower
... 'gainst the shore the breaking billows force. Now landing, from their brandish'd tongues there came A dreadful hiss, and from their eyes a flame. Amazed we fly, directly in a line Laocoon they pursue, and first entwine (Each preying upon one) his tender sons; Then him, who armed to their rescue runs, They seized, and with entangling folds embraced, 210 His neck twice compassing, and twice his waist: Their pois'nous knots he strives to break ... — Poetical Works of Edmund Waller and Sir John Denham • Edmund Waller; John Denham
... a conscious happiness Mantles through all the rose's sentient vine When summer winds with myriad calyces Of bloom its clambering height incarnadine; I sometimes think that cleaving lips, no less, And limbs that crowned desires at length entwine Are nerves through which that being drinks delight, Whose frame is the green Earth robed round with ... — Poems • Alan Seeger
... by scraping. In some deep and still corner of the river, the beavers use such skill in the construction of their habitations, that not a drop of water can penetrate, or the force of storms shake them; nor do they fear any violence but that of mankind, nor even that, unless well armed. They entwine the branches of willows with other wood, and different kinds of leaves, to the usual height of the water, and having made within-side a communication from floor to floor, they elevate a kind of stage, or ... — The Itinerary of Archibishop Baldwin through Wales • Giraldus Cambrensis
... Exultingly as we hail all signs of progress, we venerate the past also. The tendrils of the heart, like those of ivy, cling but the more closely to what they have clung to long, and even when that which they entwine crumbles beneath them, they still run greenly over the ruin, and beautify those defects which they can not hide. The past as well as the present, molds the future, and the features of some remote progenitor will revive again freshly in the latest ... — The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. X (of X) - America - II, Index • Various
... his melancholy neck A rope he did entwine, And, for his second time in life Enlisted ... — The Book of Humorous Verse • Various
... of vine, Into a frail, fair wreath We gather and entwine: A wreath for Love to wear, Fragrant as his own breath, To crown his brow divine, All day till night is near. Violets and leaves of vine We ... — The Poems And Prose Of Ernest Dowson • Ernest Dowson et al
... loved her, and I hated her— Or did I hate myself because, Bound by obscure, strong, silken laws, I felt myself the worshiper Of beauty never wholly mine? With lures most apt to snare, entwine, With bonds too subtle to define, Her lighter nature mastered mine; Herself half given, half withheld, Her lesser spirit still compelled Its tribute from my franker soul: So—rebel, slave, and worshiper!— I loved her and I ... — Dreams and Dust • Don Marquis
... that tall, graceful youth, with a waist you might span with one of your short plump arms; those slim patrician feet, that might wear your own little satin slippers; then that swelling chest and those elegantly turned shoulders, which will take both of your arms, one of these days, to entwine and clasp around them! Ah! but the round throat and chin, the smiling mouth, half hiding a double row of even teeth, with the merest moonshine of a mustache darkening the short upper lip, and then those large, ... — Captain Brand of the "Centipede" • H. A. (Henry Augustus) Wise
... them is lying along Hamersley's breast, the other in the embrace of Wilder. Kisses and words are exchanged. Only a few of the latter, till Hamersley, withdrawing himself from the arms that softly entwine him, tells ... — The Lone Ranche • Captain Mayne Reid
... the South are the trees whose branches are bent, And droop in such fashion that o'er their extent All the dolichos' creepers entwine. See our princely lady, from whom we have got Rejoicing that's endless! May her happy lot And her honors ... — Chinese Literature • Anonymous
... Leviathan or Crooked Serpent of old, transfixed in the olden time by the power of Jehovah, and suspended as a glittering trophy in the sky; yet also the Power of Darkness supposed to be ever in pursuit of the Sun and Moon. When it finally overtakes them, it will entwine them in its folds, and prevent their shining. In the last Indian Avatara, as in the Eddas, a serpent vomiting flames is expected to destroy the world. The serpent presides over the close of the year, where it guards the approach to the ... — Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry • Albert Pike
... dear, dear Bessie, you shall be mine, Sin' a' the truth ye hae tauld me now, Our hearts an' fortunes we 'll entwine, An' I 'll aye come every night to woo; For O, I canna descrive to thee The feeling o' love's and nature's law, How dear this world appears to me Wi' Bessie, my ain for ... — The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume II. - The Songs of Scotland of the past half century • Various
... love, but ties, tender, strong, and sacred. These bind up the many in the one. They are the fibres of the home-life, and cannot be wrenched without causing the heart to bleed at every pore. Death may dissect them and tear away the objects around which they entwine; and they will still live in the imperishable love which survives. From them proceed mutual devotions and confiding faith. They bind together in one all-expanding unity, the perogatives of the husband, and the subordination of the wife, the ... — The Christian Home • Samuel Philips
... And see the waters flash at Mono-lau; My hand would quiet their rage, 10 Would sidle and touch Lani-huli. Grant me but this one entreaty, We'll meet 'neath the omens above. Two flowers there are that bloom In your garden of being; 15 Entwine them into a garland, Fit emblem and crown of our love. And what the hour of your coming? When stands the Sun o'er the pali, When turns the breeze of the land, 20 To breathe the perfume of hala, While the ... — Unwritten Literature of Hawaii - The Sacred Songs of the Hula • Nathaniel Bright Emerson
... fair a flower once grew within my home, As young, as lovely, and as dearly lov'd— I had a sister once, a gentle maid— The only daughter of my father's house, Round whom our ruder loves did all entwine, As round the dearest treasure that we own'd. She was the centre of our souls' affections— She was the bud, that underneath our strong And sheltering arms, spread over her, did blow. So grew this fair, fair girl, till envious fate Brought on the hour when she was withered. Thy father, ... — The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 19. Issue 539 - 24 Mar 1832 • Various
... yearning face of Beauty shine— Soft in its human aspect, though divine, Pleading for human love, though armed with doom? And was it but a dream, that faint perfume, Blent of loose tress and soft lips joined to mine, Those fair white arms that did my neck entwine, That neck's sweet warmth, that smooth cheek's ... — Sonnets • Nizam-ud-din-Ahmad, (Nawab Nizamat Jung Bahadur)
... with us, a charm divine, Our people, loving verse, will still, Unknowing of their art, entwine Garlands of poesy at will. Their simple language suits them best: Then let them ... — Jasmin: Barber, Poet, Philanthropist • Samuel Smiles
... such a wilderness as this, Where Transport and Security entwine, Here is the Empire of thy perfect bliss, And here thou art a God indeed divine."[53] The bard I quote from does not sing amiss, With the exception of the second line, For that same twining "Transport and Security" Are twisted to ... — The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron
... And yet, he is devout in a real way, and I am sure will some time join the monks and will be a great faster and sayer of prayers, and the devil knows how, in what monstrous fashion, a real religious ecstasy will entwine in his soul with blasphemy, with scoffing at sacred things, with some repulsive passion or other, with sadism or something else ... — Yama (The Pit) • Alexandra Kuprin
... out the hair under the armpits and the pubic hair with a pair of pincers. A girl's hair may be cut with scissors, but not after she is ten years old or is married. Sometimes a girl's hair is not cut at all, but her father will take a pearl and entwine it into her hair, where it is left until she is married. It is considered very auspicious to give away a girl in marriage with hair which has never been cut, and a pearl in it. After marriage she will take out the pearl and wear it ... — The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV - Kumhar-Yemkala • R.V. Russell
... semi-tropical vegetation. Now stately trees of various kinds appear, with smooth and highly-coloured bark, loaded with parasitical plants; while large and elegant ferns, and numerous and arborescent grasses, entwine the trees into one entangled mass. Palm-trees appear in latitude 37 degrees; and an arborescent grass, very like the bamboo, three ... — The Western World - Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North - and South America • W.H.G. Kingston
... light gleamed forth again; and in the circle of Clear it made I could see we were surrounded by tall Trees that with their long crooked Arms looked as though they would entwine me in deadly embraces. ... — The Strange Adventures of Captain Dangerous, Vol. 1 of 3 • George Augustus Sala
... In fresh myrtle my blade I'll entwine, Like Harmodius, the gallant and good, When he made at the tutelar shrine A ... — Edgar Allan Poe's Complete Poetical Works • Edgar Allan Poe
... the comedy and pathos of things was enough. We are a sufficient spectacle to one another. A glow came over him; for a moment he grasped hold on life, and the infinite tentacles of things threw themselves out to entwine him. ... — Dreamers of the Ghetto • I. Zangwill
... maids, the chosen of their hearts to please, Entwine their ears with sweet Sirisha flowers, Whose fragrant lips attract the kiss of bees That softly murmur through ... — Hindu Literature • Epiphanius Wilson
... hut or hovel, or hole in the ground,—to which I might retire when my labor was over, where I could eat my frugal meals, and lie down to slumber at night. I longed for a place in which I could feel that I was localized, around which domestic associations might gradually entwine themselves, and where I might sing in the twilight ... — John Whopper - The Newsboy • Thomas March Clark
... keep watch at the gate; One peril remains—it is past—all is well! They are free; and her love has proved stronger than hate. They are gone—who shall follow?—their ship's on the brine, And they sail unpursued to a far friendly shore, Where love and content at their hearth may entwine, And the warfare of ... — Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. 327 - Vol. 53, January, 1843 • Various
... to act against him, and Madame de Longueville was no less the idol of the Carmelites and the party of the Saints than that of the Hotel de Rambouillet. Again, the Duke d'Enghien, already covered with the laurels of Rocroy, and about to entwine therewith those of Thionville, was so evidently the arbiter of the situation, that Madame de Chevreuse insisted, with much force, that Mazarin should be got rid of whilst the young Duke was occupied with the distant enemy, and before he should return from the army. To wound him through so susceptible ... — Political Women (Vol. 1 of 2) • Sutherland Menzies
... as cause and effect are bound together, So do two loving hearts entwine and live— Such is the power of ... — The Essence of Buddhism • Various
... a cask of Albanian wine, Which nine mellow summers have ripened and more; In my garden, dear Phyllis, thy brows to entwine, Grows the brightest of parsley in plentiful store. There is ivy to gleam on thy dark glossy hair; My plate, newly burnished, enlivens my rooms; And the altar, athirst for its victim, is there, Enwreathed with chaste vervain and ... — Horace • Theodore Martin
... the folly, That my heart did e'er entwine Round a joy, or hope, or promise, Vain, unstable World, of thine! Thou with all thy proffered treasure Shalt ere long from me remove:— Turn, fond heart, with holy rapture, Unto God thy ... — Favourite Welsh Hymns - Translated into English • Joseph Morris
... and dared gaze at those eyes, nor was hurt any more Than by slow pallid sunsets in autumn, ye watch from the shore, At their sad level gaze o'er the ocean—a sun's slow decline 125 Over hills which, resolved in stern silence, o'erlap and entwine Base with base to knit strength more intensely: so, arm folded arm O'er the chest whose slow ... — Selections from the Poems and Plays of Robert Browning • Robert Browning
... the holly boughs Entwine the cold baptismal font, Make one wreath more for Use and Wont, That guard the ... — In The Yule-Log Glow, Vol. IV (of IV) • Harrison S. Morris
... they pass through the rocks that run together, the ne'er resting beaches of Phineus, [and] the marine shore, running o'er the surge of Amphitrite,[59]—where the choruses of the fifty daughters of Nereus entwine in the dance,—[although] with breezes that fill the sails, the creaking rudders resting at the poop, with southern gales or the breezes of Zephyr, to the bird-haunted land, the white beach, the glorious race-course of Achilles, near the Euxine Sea. Would that, ... — The Tragedies of Euripides, Volume I. • Euripides
... mine, To kneel at friendship's sacred shrine, And hope's bright budding flowers entwine Into a garland for they brow. And thou shalt wait not for the hours That gem creation's radiant towers, To woo thee to elysian bowers, But ... — Debris - Selections from Poems • Madge Morris
... dear Bessie, you shall be mine, Sin' a' the truth ye hae tauld me now, Our hearts an' fortunes we 'll entwine, An' I 'll aye come every night to woo; For O, I canna descrive to thee The feeling o' love's and nature's law, How dear this world appears to me Wi' Bessie, my ain for ... — The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume II. - The Songs of Scotland of the past half century • Various |