Enfeeble v. t. (past & past part. enfeebled; pres. part. enfeebling) To make feeble; to deprive of strength; to reduce the strength or force of; to weaken; to debilitate. "Enfeebled by scanty subsistence and excessive toil."
... successfully. We can study the characters of our enemies, and learn their vulnerable points. The black and green aphides, or plant-lice, are often very troublesome. They appear in immense numbers on the young and tender shoots of trees, and by sucking their juices check or enfeeble the growth. They are the milch-cows of ants, which are usually found very busy among them. Nature apparently has made ample provision for this pest, for it has been estimated that "one individual in five generations might be the progenitor of six thousand millions." They are easily destroyed, ... — The Home Acre • E. P. Roe Read full book for free!