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Ejaculate   Listen
Ejaculate  v. t.  (past & past part. ejaculated; pres. part. ejaculating)  
To throw out suddenly and swiftly, as if a dart; to dart; to eject. (Archaic or Technical) "Its active rays ejaculated thence."
To throw out, as an exclamation; to utter by a brief and sudden impulse; as, to ejaculate a prayer.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Ejaculate" Quotes from Famous Books

... that he was universally disliked. Even the quartette had given him up—at least there was decided enmity between him and both basses. Whenever Specht ventured upon an assertion that was not quite incontrovertible, Pix would shrug his shoulders and ejaculate "Pumpkins." Indeed, almost all that Specht said was met by a whisper of "pumpkins" from one or other; and whenever he caught the word, he fell into a towering passion, broke off the ...
— Debit and Credit - Translated from the German of Gustav Freytag • Gustav Freytag

... part, or even the whole of the night, and in order to unbend his mind after such incessant study, he would resort to a grove near the college, a place much frequented by the students in the evening, on account of its sequestered gloominess. In these solitary walks, he has been heard to ejaculate heavy sobs and sighs, and with tears to pour forth his prayers to God. These nightly retirements, in the sequel, gave rise to the first suspicion of his alienation from the church of Rome. Being pressed for an explanation of this alteration in his conduct, he scorned to call in fiction ...
— Fox's Book of Martyrs - Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant - Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs • John Fox

... has established a very fair title at any rate to the appellation, and when the rest of the world pray to heaven for a fine harvest: "May our corn and oil increase!" he may reasonably ejaculate, "May my ...
— The Memorabilia - Recollections of Socrates • Xenophon

... was a false Pasha named BOLO, Who sank in iniquity so low. That the dirtiest work Of the Hun and the Turk Never made him ejaculate Nolo! ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 153, Oct. 17, 1917 • Various

... "with his own venerable lips, repeated to me, the other night, a strange profane story: of a solemn clergyman who had been administering ghostly consolation to a sick person; having finished, satisfactorily as he thought, and got out of the room, he heard the sick person ejaculate, 'Well, thank God, Pickwick will be out in ten ...
— The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete • John Forster

... first, she would station herself plump in the middle of a marsh, which lay at the lower part of the lot, and look very innocent and absent-minded, as if reflecting on some sentimental subject. "Suke! Suke! Suke!" I ejaculate, cautiously tottering along the edge of the marsh, and holding out an ear of corn. The lady looks gracious, and comes forward, almost within reach of my hand. I make a plunge to throw the rope over her horns, and away ...
— The May Flower, and Miscellaneous Writings • Harriet Beecher Stowe

... only ejaculate the words, 'Pity!' 'Forgive!' in his most contemptuous tone; while Mrs. Shelldrake, rocking violently in her chair, gave utterance to the peculiar clucking 'ts, ts, ts, ts,' whereby certain women express emotions too ...
— The Wit and Humor of America, Volume I. (of X.) • Various

... backward on stiff hands and knees into the safety of the lighted hallway, moaning, "I declare, I nev' was so upset in my life!" But the propriety was shaken out of her, and she delightedly continued to ejaculate "Nev' in my LIFE" as she saw the living-room door opened by invisible hands and shoes hurling through it, as she heard from the darkness beyond the door a squawling, a bumping, a resolute "Here's a lot of shoes. Come on, you wolves. Ow! Y' would, ...
— Main Street • Sinclair Lewis

... 'twas only to find himself he knew not where, while the Bolognese monk entered the tomb, gibbering horribly, and armed with a rod, wherewith, having laid hold of Ferondo, he gave him a severe thrashing. Blubbering and bellowing for pain, Ferondo could only ejaculate:—"Where am I?" "In purgatory," replied the monk. "How?" returned Ferondo, "am I dead then?" and the monk assuring him that 'twas even so, he fell a bewailing his own and his lady's and his son's fate, after the most ridiculous fashion in the world. The monk brought him ...
— The Decameron, Volume I • Giovanni Boccaccio

... his bags; Let him be what he will, Turk, Pagan, Jew: For Christian ministers of state are few. Behind the curtain lurks the fountain head, That pours his politics through pipes of lead, Which far and near ejaculate, and spout O'er tea and coffee, poison to the rout: But when they have bespatter'd all they may, The statesman throws his filthy squirts away! With golden forceps, these, another takes, And state elixirs of the vipers makes. The richest statesman wants wherewith to pay A servile sycophant, if ...
— The Poetical Works of Edward Young, Volume 2 • Edward Young

... again, nor the forty Malays and the two women. Jensen may have escaped; he may even have lived to read these lines; God only knows what was the fate of the unfortunate fleet of pearl- fishers. Priggish and uncharitable people may ejaculate: "The reward of cupidity!" But I say, "judge not, lest ...
— The Adventures of Louis de Rougemont - as told by Himself • Louis de Rougemont

... from it, when he was informed of the arrival of Sipiagin and Kollomietzev upon some urgent business. He was very familiar with Sipiagin, having known him from childhood and constantly run across him in St. Petersburg drawing-rooms, and lately he had begun to ejaculate a respectful "Ah!" every time his name occurred to him—as if he saw in him a future statesman. Kollomietzev he did not know so well and respected less in consequence of various unpleasant complaints that had been made against ...
— Virgin Soil • Ivan S. Turgenev

... range of her operations, and so placed it that it formed a formidable barricade, which my uncle's cork leg had no chance of surmounting. Therewith Captain Roland lifted his eyes appealingly to Heaven, and I heard him distinctly ejaculate...
— The Caxtons, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... ejaculate, contemptuously, seeing, with what she conceived marvelous penetration, the half of her little servant's thought, and so pronouncing from her own half wit. Then the great shears came out, and the instinct of grace and beauty in the child was pitilessly outraged, ...
— Faith Gartney's Girlhood • Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney

... observe, my dear sir,' I said, 'of finding her in the other world, and there making it up with her!'—'God bless me!' he cried again, in a tone of absolute horror. And every now and then, while I spoke, he would ejaculate something; and still as he listened his eyes grew more and more bloodshot with interest and compassion. 'Ah, I see!' he said then; 'you want to send him to a madhouse?—Don't do it,' he continued, in a tone of expostulation, almost entreaty. 'Poor boy! He may get over it. Let ...
— Thomas Wingfold, Curate • George MacDonald

... impatience, pulled me away. The cabin door fell upon the two women, locked in a hug, and, stepping into his stateroom, we could do nothing at first but slap each other on the back and ejaculate the most unmeaning exclamations, like a couple of jocular idiots. But when, in the expansion of my heart, I tried to banter him about not keeping his word to look out for us, he bent double in trying to ...
— Romance • Joseph Conrad and F.M. Hueffer

... terror seized me. I tried to shriek to my servants; I could not ejaculate a syllable. I tried to close my eyelids, but they were held open as in a vice. Again there came a sob that was immediately succeeded by a sigh; and a tremor ran through the figure from head to foot. One of its hands then began to move, the fingers clutched ...
— Byways of Ghost-Land • Elliott O'Donnell

... his habit, to give his mother a full share of what he had been enjoying. Mrs. Macgregor listened intently, pausing now and then in her knitting to ejaculate, "Well-a-well!" "Look at that, now!" "Hear to him!" When Shock had finished, Brown broke in: "It was truly magnificent, I assure you, Mrs. Macgregor, and the enthusiasm of the man! And his yarns! Oh, he ...
— The Prospector - A Tale of the Crow's Nest Pass • Ralph Connor

... instead of a panic rout, to save. The poor General—ebbing homewards, he and his Enterprise, hour after hour—roused himself twice only, for a moment, from his death-stupor: once, the first night, to ejaculate mournfully, "Who would have thought it!" And again once, he was heard to say, days after, in a tone of hope, "Another time we will do better!" which were his last words, "death following in a few minutes." Weary, heavy-laden soul; deep ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XVI. (of XXI.) - Frederick The Great—The Ten Years of Peace.—1746-1756. • Thomas Carlyle

... to ejaculate further general approval; then he rose from the table, upon which Barty's books had been displayed, and drawing forward an easel on which was a framed canvas covered by some vivid oriental drapery, he arranged it ...
— Mount Music • E. Oe. Somerville and Martin Ross

... all that has been urged here, anthropologists are wont to ejaculate that blessed word 'Survival'. Our savage, and mediaeval, and Puritan ancestors were ignorant and superstitious; and we, or some of us, inherit their beliefs, as we may inherit their complexions. They have bequeathed to us a tendency to see the ...
— Cock Lane and Common-Sense • Andrew Lang

Words linked to "Ejaculate" :   humor, discharge, mouth, ejaculator, sperm, seminal fluid, release, seed, expel, humour, come, utter, blurt, speak, spermatozoan, blunder out, body fluid, blunder

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