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Egyptology   Listen
Egyptology  n.  The science or study of Egyptian antiquities, esp. the hieroglyphics.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Egyptology" Quotes from Famous Books

... the religion of the Egyptians, because there were so many different deities worshipped in different places and at different periods that the subject is a very confusing one, and is indeed the most difficult problem in Egyptology. ...
— Peeps at Many Lands: Egypt • R. Talbot Kelly

... reeds the divisions appear to be of cane or wood, while in the Cairo reed they are of iron (?steel). The sketch of this Coptic reed, Fig. 25, has been drawn specially for me, and Miss W. M. Crompton, Assistant Keeper in Egyptology in the Manchester University Museum, has kindly examined the sketch with the article and pronounced it correct. We may, I think, safely conclude that the reed found by Dr. Garstang is Coptic and not ...
— Ancient Egyptian and Greek Looms • H. Ling Roth

... don't care for the drawing-room side of things; they are cultivated, but they are too much on the skin. I would much rather be a stoker, or an engineer, than sit on deck all day and talk about Florentine art, and the Handel Festival, and Egyptology, and the gospel of Tolstoy, and play cricket and quoits, and dance a little, and sing a little, and flirt a little, ever so nicely. Oh, there are lots of girls who can do all those things, and do them equally well; I know a few who can, well off, well-bred girls—you ...
— The Good Comrade • Una L. Silberrad

Words linked to "Egyptology" :   archeology, archaeology, Egyptologist

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