Educe v. t. (past & past part. educed; pres. part. educing) To bring or draw out; to cause to appear; to produce against counter agency or influence; to extract; to evolve; as, to educe a form from matter. "The eternal art educing good from ill.""They want to educe and cultivate what is best and noblest in themselves."
... always avoided carefully discussing with Philammon any of those points on which she differed from his former faith. She was content to let the divine light of philosophy penetrate by its own power, and educe its own conclusions. But one day, at the very time at which this history reopens, she was tempted to speak more openly to her pupil than she yet had done. Her father had introduced him, a few days before, to a new work of hers on Mathematics; ... — Hypatia - or, New Foes with an Old Face • Charles Kingsley Read full book for free!