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Duo  n.  (Mus.) A composition for two performers; a duet.

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"Duo" Quotes from Famous Books

... dum de prima theologiae licentia foret, duo ei consocii et familiares, et mei cum eo in artibus auditores, scilicet Jacobus Almain Senonensis, et Petrus Bruxcellensis, Praedicatoris ordinis, in Sorbonae curia die Sorbonico commilitonibus suis ...
— Life Of Johnson, Volume 5 • Boswell

... go behind his plough!" Still the knight persists, and though Marion still tells him to go away, she asks his name, which he says is Aubert, and so gives her the catchword for another song:—"Vos perdes vo paine, sire Aubert!"—which ends the scene with a duo. The second scene begins with a duo of Marion and Robin, followed by her giving a softened account of the chevalier's behaviour, and then they lunch on bread and cheese and apples, and more songs follow, till she sends him to get Baldwin and Walter and Peronette and the pipers, for a ...
— Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres • Henry Adams

... [Footnote 6: "Duo, ihi profuere mirifice, (quae tamen alioqui ambigna, et pluribus noxia esse solent,) primum quod fere essem [Greek: autodidaktos], alterum quod quaererem nova in unaquaque scientia." —LEIBNIT. ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. II, No. 8, June 1858 • Various

... quae ludentem obtulit olim Inter virgineos te mibi prima choros. Lactea cum flavi decuerunt colla capilli, Cum gena par nivibus visa, labella rosis: Cum tua perstringunt oculos duo sydera nostros Perque oculos intrant ...
— A Book About Lawyers • John Cordy Jeaffreson

... Pedestrians were hurrying on in detachments of five or six—the equestrians in companies less numerous; sometimes the cavalier who could boast a saddle carrying a woman on a pillion behind him. But saddle or pillion were not an indispensable accompaniment to this equestrian duo, for many a "bare-back" garran carried his couple, his only harness being a halter made of a hay-rope, which in time of need sometimes proves a substitute for "rack and manger," for it is not uncommon in Ireland to see ...
— Handy Andy, Volume One - A Tale of Irish Life, in Two Volumes • Samuel Lover

... secundum quod hic ordinavero darique jussero, ita ipse post obitum meum adimpleant. Primiter enim omnium volo et ordi- no dari rectam decimam et volo et ordino distribui libras denariorum venetorum duo millia ultra decimam, de quibus dimitto soldos viginti denariorum Venet. grossorum Monasterio Sancti Laurentii ubi meam eligo sepulturam. Item di- mitto libras trecentas den. Venet. YSABETE QUIRINO cognate mee quas ...
— The Travels of Marco Polo, Volume 2 • Marco Polo and Rustichello of Pisa

... magistrate as a plea for law-breaking; but it is offered to the unprejudiced reader in compliance with Spinoza's golden rule: Human errors must not be ridiculed and condemned, but understood. Si duo faciunt idem, non est idem. This wise caution is the more to be heeded in the present instance, as, from the same source, devotion to home life, springs another fine feature of Jewry; go down in the scale as deep as you may, they are an industrious, ...
— Zionism and Anti-Semitism - Zionism by Nordau; and Anti-Semitism by Gottheil • Max Simon Nordau

... as she entered her dressing-room and exclaim: “Mon Dieu! How I shuffled through that act! They’d have hooted me off the stage in Berlin, but here no one seems to care. Did you notice the baritone to-night? He wasn’t on the key once during our duo. I cannot sing my best, try as I will, when I hear the public ...
— The Ways of Men • Eliot Gregory

... us sing! I always want to sing when I come out of my bath. Do you know the duo at the beginning of the fourth act? Yes? Good. I will sing Romeo. Oh yes, I can sing the tenor part—it is very high for a man. Sit down. Imagine that you admire me and that the lark is trying to imitate the nightingale so that we need not part. We have not heard it yet. The man is beginning ...
— Fair Margaret - A Portrait • Francis Marion Crawford

... The work here referred to is Selectarum de Lingua Latina Observationum Libri duo. Ductu et cura Joannis Ker, 1719. Ker observes, that vapulandum is ...
— Lives of the Poets, Vol. 1 • Samuel Johnson

... duo between Montini and Vittoria silenced all converse. Camilla tells Camillo of her dream. He pledges his oath to discover her mother, if alive; if dead, to avenge her. Camilla says she believes her mother is in the dungeons of Count Orso's castle. The duo tasked ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... Stromateon libr. 1. gestauit duo daktolious gegoeteumenous ouk apothano de homos dolophonetheis ...
— A Treatise of Witchcraft • Alexander Roberts

... finished till 1612, and the transitional churches of St. Etienne and St. Eustache remind one, by the mingling of Gothic and Renaissance features, of the famous metamorphosis of Agnel and Cianfa in Dante's Inferno, and one is tempted to exclaim, Ome, come ti muti! Vedi, che gia non sei ne duo ...
— The Story of Paris • Thomas Okey

... pectore exsultavit. Deinde, quoniam tractatus Anglice scriptus spem auctoris fefellerat, quippe quum studium Historiae Naturalis in Republica nostra inter factionis strepitum languescat, Latine versum edere statui, et eo potius quia nescio quomodo disciplina academica et duo diplomata proficiant, nisi quod peritos linguarum omnino mortuarum (et damnandarum, ut dicebat iste [Greek: panourgos] ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell • James Lowell

... "Duo Vota consultiva, unum de Campanis, alterum de Coemeteriis. In quibus de utriusque antiquitate, {311} consecratione, usu et effectibus plene agitur, pluraque scitu dignissima ad propositi casus, aliorumque in praxi, hac de re occurrentium decisionem, non injucunde adducuntur. Auctore D. Augustino ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 231, April 1, 1854 • Various

... time, that due strength might be gathered for the last waltz, and then the German. The time was occupied by a very weak tenor, who came to an ignominious end in the middle of "Spirito Gentil." Miss Jennie Barton and her cousin Laura gave a sweet duo, in rather a tearing style, Jennie being a fast young lady everyhow; another lady sang a Scottish ballad as if it had been manipulated by Verdi; then one of the gentlemen said, "Mr. Norval, I hope you will lay your commands on your wife to sing ...
— Not Pretty, But Precious • John Hay, et al.

... et spleni confert, ultroque, venena Dira sagittarum domat, ictibus omnibus atris Haec eadem prodest; gingivis proficit atque Conciliat somnum: nuda ossa carne revestit; Thoracis vitiis prodest, pulmonis itemque, Quae duo sic praestat, non ulla potentior herba. Hanc Sanctacrucius Prosper quum nuncius esset, Sedis Apostolicae Lusitanas missus in horas Huc adportavit Romanae ad commoda gentis, Ut proavi sanctae lignum crucis ...
— The American Quarterly Review, No. 17, March 1831 • Various

... of prison on the eve of execution. Some light on this point is derived from the Northumberland Assize Rolls of the years 1256 and 1279. For instance: "Robertus de Cregling et Jacobus le Escoe', duo extranei, capti fuerunt pro suspicione latrocinii per ballivos Willelmi de Valencia et imprisonati in prisona ejusdem Willelmi apud Rowebyr' (Rothbury). Et predictus Robertus postea evasit de prisona ad ecclesiam de Rowebyr' ...
— The Customs of Old England • F. J. Snell

... this is canticum and the effect of the two "sing-songing" slaves on the audience must have been much the same as, upon us, the spectacle of a vaudeville "duo," entering from opposite wings and singing perchance a burlesque of grand opera at ...
— The Dramatic Values in Plautus • William Wallace Blancke

... playing or sleeping. It did me good even to watch the violinists drawing their bows so masterly—every motion a study. I allow'd myself, as I sometimes do, to wander out of myself. The conceit came to me of a copious grove of singing birds, and in their midst a simple harmonic duo, two human souls, steadily asserting their ...
— Complete Prose Works - Specimen Days and Collect, November Boughs and Goodbye My Fancy • Walt Whitman

... years, his father's coronation. Gibbon is also mistaken when he says (note 42) that "without the help of medals and inscriptions, we should be ignorant that Antoninus had two sons." Capitolinus says expressly, (c. 1,) Filii mares duo, duae-foeminae; we only owe their names to the medals. Pagi. Cont. Baron, i. 33, ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 1 • Edward Gibbon

... had already received a place in the order of public worship. The Council of Vavre resolved, 1368: "Proinde Symbolum Apostolorum silenter et secrete dicitur quotidie in Completorio et in Prima, quia fuit editum tempore, quo nondum erat fides catholica propalata. Alia autem duo publice in diebus Dominicis et festivis, quando maior ad ecclesiam congregatur populus, decantantur, quia fuere edita tempore fidei propalatae. Symbolum quidem Nicaenum post evangelium cantatur in Missa quasi evangelicae fidei expositio. Symbolum Athanasii de mane solum ...
— Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church • Friedrich Bente

... never sang so well," said Max, as the room rang with applause at the termination of the duo, "Time may have taken away a little fulness from her lower notes; but the touching tenderness which envelops them, as a purple mist hanging over a forest in autumn, fully compensates for ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 92, June, 1865 • Various

... "striving for mastery." Mr Burd points out that this passage is imitated directly from Cicero's "De Officiis": "Nam cum sint duo genera decertandi, unum per disceptationem, alterum per vim; cumque illud proprium sit hominis, hoc beluarum; confugiendum est ad posterius, si ...
— The Prince • Niccolo Machiavelli

... ii. p. 147; and to the references there given add Iren. iii. 25. 2 'Alterum quidem judicare et alterum quidem salvare dixerunt,' and sect. 3, 'Marcion igitur ipse dividens Deum in duo, alterum quidem bonum et alterum ...
— Essays on "Supernatural Religion" • Joseph B. Lightfoot

... into the mouth of none but an Argive, and (with reverence be it spoken) it does not deserve the epithet. And if the Polynices of Statius, "In mediis audit duo litora campis" (Thebaidos, i. 335), did actually hear both shores in crossing the isthmus of Corinth, he had better ears than have ever been worn in such a ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 2 • George Gordon Byron

... embodiment of his bride's special talent and characteristics, and it was under the fostering stimulus of this warm feeling that he allowed those parts of the opera in which Aennchen appears to ripen first. The first note which he wrote down for the 'Freischuetz' belongs in the duo between Aennchen and Agatha." He adds that his father, while composing, actually saw his bride in his mind's eye, and heard her sing his melodies, and accordingly as this imaginary vocalist nodded approval or shook her head, ...
— Chopin and Other Musical Essays • Henry T. Finck

... special veneration, even their Kings, and other chief Rulers, often submitted to the virtue of their Inspiration: Amongst which, the never enough admir'd Mr Cowley, in his noble version of the Davideidos, gives the Royal David this Title, Rex olim & Vates duo Maxima munera Coeli; and numbers of others might be inserted to prove Poetical Authority, and the respect it bore in past Ages; which, tho I have not capacity to parallel, I hope I may be allow'd to imitate on another ...
— Essays on the Stage • Thomas D'Urfey and Bossuet

... I shall do so no more,' replied Francis, loudly and unhesitatingly. The conversation then was continued in a lower tone, and neither Lamberti nor the French marshals were able to understand another word." [Footnote: "Memoires du Duo de ...

... mesae tae Indikae anthropoi eisi melanes, kai kalountai pygmaioi, tois allois homoglossoi Indois. mikroi de eisi lian; hoi makrotatoi auton paecheon duo, hoi de pleistoi, henos haemiseos paecheos, komaen de echousi makrotataen, mechri kai hepi ta gonata, kai eti katoteron, kai pogona megiston panton anthropon; epeidan oun ton pogona mega physosin, ...
— A Philological Essay Concerning the Pygmies of the Ancients • Edward Tyson

... agebat, ad millia passuum sex non brevia, uti nosti. Propterea sero id actum, venit concitato cursu, at sero. Ad hostes itur, at sero. Cernunt hostium acies, at sero, at a longe. Distabant jam milliaria circiter duo. Ergo sero Phryges sapuerunt. Cujus haec culpa, tu scrutator aliunde; mea est, si nescis. Maximam dedit ea dies, quae est, si nescis, calendarum Novembrium sexta, Hispanis ignominiam, et aliquando jacturam illis pariet collachrymandam." ...
— The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella The Catholic, V3 • William H. Prescott

... hoc Scrutinio duo quorum { 1 Joanes Towse, habet suffragia sex. { 2us Thomas Tucker, ...
— Christmas: Its Origin and Associations - Together with Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries • William Francis Dawson

... my nomenclators, both about the age of seventeen, were bribed to play the part of critics. Their pay was about three denarii: that at present is the price of eloquence. Ex judicio in judicium pari mercede transitur. Heri duo nomenclatores mei (habent sane aetatem eorum, qui nuper togas sumpserunt), ternis denariis ad laudandum trahebantur. Tanti constat, ut sis disertus. Lib. ...
— A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence • Cornelius Tacitus

... terra sublimis cingitur undique mari: eodemque in duo latera, quae hemisphaeria nominantur, ab oriente divisa ad occasum, zonis quinque distinguitur. Mediam aestus infestat, frigus ultimas: reliquae habitabiles paria agunt anni tempora, verum non pariter. Antichthones alteram, nos alteram ...
— The Discovery of America Vol. 1 (of 2) - with some account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest • John Fiske

... Pontifici, qui census annuus nonnunquam viginti millia ducatos excedit, adeoque Ecclesiae procerum id munus est, ut una cum Ecclesiarum proventibus etiam lenociniorum numerent mercedem. Sic enim ego illos supputantes aliquando audivi: Habet, inquientes, ille duo beneficia, unum curaturn aureorum viginti, alterum prioratum ducatorum quadraginta, el tres putanas in burdello, quae ...
— Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7) • John Addington Symonds

... dance upon nothing in our young days and for our first offences; but as for having our shoulders dusted, or thrashing the water in a galley, we don't mind that a nutshell. For the present, Andrew, my son, keep snug in the nest under the shelter of our wings; in duo time, we will take you out to fly, and that where you will not return without a prey; and the short and the long of it is, that by and by you will lick your fingers ...
— The Exemplary Novels of Cervantes • Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

... they agree, that both are unlawful; for that which is evil by accident,(275) whilst it is such, is unlawful to be done, no less than that which is in nature evil. 3. Divines hold absolutely,(276) that Inter duo vel plura mala culpae (such as things scandalous and inconvenient) nullum est eligendum; that though in evils of punishment we may choose a lesser to shun a greater, yet in evils of fault, election hath no place, neither may we do a lesser fault to shun a greater,(277) nec ullum admittendum ...
— The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Gillespie

... magna inter duo exercitus; neutri tamen initium transeundi facere volebant. Tandem Hercules signum dedit, et ubi paludem transiit, ...
— Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles - A First Latin Reader • John Kirtland, ed.

... for finding the Year of the Julian Period, by a new and very easie Method. An Account of some Books, not long since publish'd, which are, 1. Tentamina Physico-Theologica de Deo, Authore Samuele Parkero. 2. Honorati Fabri Tractatus duo; Prior, de Plantis et de Generatione Animalium; Posterior, de Homine. 3. Relation du Voyage de l'Evesque de Beryte, par la Turquie, la Perse, les Indes, &c. ...
— Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society - Vol 1 - 1666 • Various

... work, with this title:—"Pasquillorum Tomi Duo;" the first containing the verse, and the second the prose pasquinades, published at Basle, 1544. The rarity of this collection of satirical pieces is entirely owing to the arts of suppression practised by the papal government. Sallengre, in his literary Memoirs, has given an account of this work; ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli

... of an aeolian harp always annoyed Krayne, and he was glad when the man finished. A stout soprano in a velvet bodice, her arms bare and brawny, the arms of a lass accustomed to ploughing and digging potatoes, sang something about turtle doves. She was odious. Odious, too, was her companion, in a duo through which they screamed and rumbled—"Verlassen bin i." At last she came out and he saw by the programme that her name was Roeselein Gich. What an odd name, what an attractive girl! He finished his coffee and frantically signalled ...
— Visionaries • James Huneker

... ea die civium quasi duo millia, &c., (Gunther, c. 18.) Arithmetic is an excellent touchstone to try the ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 6 • Edward Gibbon

... was dominant in the minds of men like Bodin, it will be evident that a charge of impiety or atheism might well follow a profession of disbelief, or even scepticism, as to the powers of witches or of evil spirits. A maxim familiar as an utterance of Sir Thomas Browne, "Ubi tres medici duo athei," was, no doubt, in common use in Cardan's time; and he, as a doctor, would consequently be ill-looked upon by the champions of orthodoxy, who would certainly not be conciliated by the fact that he was the friend of Cardinal ...
— Jerome Cardan - A Biographical Study • William George Waters

... violin at the Conservatoire, then newly established. In 1799 ne made a trip to Spain, where he met Boccherini. The following year he returned to Paris, where he was made solo violinist to the First Consul, and it was at this period that he gained his greatest success, when he played with Kreutzer a duo concertante of the latter's composition. After this he went to Russia, where he was enthusiastically received, and was appointed one of the emperor's musicians. The life in Russia, however, overtaxing his strength, from that time his powers ...
— Famous Violinists of To-day and Yesterday • Henry C. Lahee

Words linked to "Duo" :   ii, same-sex marriage, couplet, two, musical organisation, twain, musical composition, primo, duette, musical organization, composition, dyad, musical group, pair, brace, piece, couple, span, doubleton, twosome, duad, distich, yoke, secondo, 2, opus, Laurel and Hardy, piece of music, duet, fellow

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