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Dugout   Listen
Dugout  n.  
A canoe or boat dug out from a large log. (U.S.) "A man stepped from his slender dugout."
A place dug out.
A house made partly in a hillside or slighter elevation. (Western U.S.)
(Baseball) A structure on the edge of the playing field in foul territory, partly below ground and partly above ground, open toward the playing field but roofed and with the other three sides closed. It is typically long and narrow, having benches where the players may sit when not on the playing field; as, the foul ball was tipped into the dugout.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Dugout" Quotes from Famous Books

... New Year's Eve, when you oughter be on leave, In a dugout where the damp is slowly tricklin', All alonger tin o' green an' a sniper lank an' lean 'Oo was swearin' an' a-strafin' an' a-snipin' in between, Till the Sergeant told me off ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, January 12, 1916 • Various

... record of self-sacrifice continued after his arrival in Arizona early in 1880, the first stop being at Concho. There, according to his son, Wilson G., the family for two years could have been rated as among "the poorest of poor pioneers," with a dugout for a home, this later succeeded by a log cabin of comparative luxury. For months the bread was of barley flour, the diet later having variety, changed to corn bread and molasses, with wheat flour bread ...
— Mormon Settlement in Arizona • James H. McClintock

... prepared for bad weather. His face was now muffled in a huge scarf that encircled his neck, and his eyes were shielded by the peak of the fur cap he wore. He dismounted, waved the men toward a dugout, and watched them as they dismounted and led their horses through a narrow door. When the men emerged Lawler led the big red horse in, leaving the men to stand in the white gale that ...
— The Trail Horde • Charles Alden Seltzer

... some trees. Lookin' out from high up in a tree one of 'em seed two little pickaninnies but he couldn't find whar dey went. When he went back home and told 'bout it, evvybody went to huntin' 'em, s'posin' dey was lost chillun. Dey traced 'em to a dugout, and dere dey found dem two grown slaves what had done run away years ago, and dey had done had two little chillun born in dat dugout. Deir marster come and got 'em and tuk 'em home, but de chillun went plumb blind when dey tried to live out in de sunlight. Dey had done lived under ...
— Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves - Georgia Narratives, Part 3 • Works Projects Administration

... building. It seems to have been crushed into the slope by the driving force of the vicious mountain storms to which it is open on three sides. There is no shelter for it. It stands out bravely to sunshine and storm alike with the contemptuous indifference of familiarity. It is a dugout, and, as its name implies, is built half in the ground. Its solitary door and single parchment-covered window overlook the valley, and the white path in front where the snow is packed hard by the tramp of dogs and men, and the runners of the dog-sled. Below the slope bears away to the ...
— In the Brooding Wild • Ridgwell Cullum

... narrow part of the deck, just a passageway sort of, outside, and he thought he'd fall on that. But it was lucky he didn't. He fell past it right into the water and that brought him to his senses, kind of. So he sputtered and groped around till he happened to clutch the Indian dugout and it rolled over with him and the anchor that we had laid in it with a rope to hold it fast to the houseboat, the anchor rolled out, and the first thing he knew he was drifting up the river, hanging onto the dugout for ...
— Roy Blakeley • Percy Keese Fitzhugh

... rolling down the steps of his residential dugout, waving a five-foot sabre in his hand. He wore his cocked and plumed hat and his dress-parade coat covered with gold braid and buttons. Sky-blue pajamas, one rubber boot, and one red-plush slipper ...
— Rolling Stones • O. Henry

... have such a fierce distaste, and after they had learned something of how Fritz fought the Canadians took to paying him back in some of his own coin. Not that they matched the deeds of the Huns—only a Hun could do that. But the Canadians were not eager to take prisoners. They would bomb a dugout rather than take its occupants back. And a dugout that has been bombed ...
— A Minstrel In France • Harry Lauder

... boys from the region of Philadelphia in the dugout, "Somewhere in France"; and they found it a snug habitation, ...
— The Valley of Vision • Henry Van Dyke

... floated on the waters of what is now Fore River was probably a little dugout, a crude boat made by an Indian, who burned out the center of a pine log which he had felled by girdling with fire. After he had burned out as much as he could, he scraped out the rest with a stone tool called a "celt." The whole operation probably took one Indian three ...
— The Old Coast Road - From Boston to Plymouth • Agnes Rothery

Words linked to "Dugout" :   dugout canoe, bunker, funk hole, fortification, park, shelter, fox hole, ballpark, foxhole, pirogue, canoe

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