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Dowse   Listen
Dowse  v. i.  To use the dipping or divining rod, as in search of water, ore, etc. "Adams had the reputation of having dowsed successfully for more than a hundred wells."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Dowse" Quotes from Famous Books

... living with a tanner, I am no Brahmin, and believe that a man may not only live with a tanner, but be a tanner, and have all the culture, if not all the learning and the talent, of Simon's guest. Thomas Dowse pointed the way for many who will go much farther upon ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 4, No. 24, Oct. 1859 • Various

... as that there was no essential difference between the masculine and the feminine intellect. For example, he said, some of the most valuable qualities of what is called the judicial genius—sensibility, quickness, delicacy—are peculiarly feminine. In reply, Serjeant Dowse said: "The argument of the hon. and learned Member, compendiously stated, amounts to this—because some judges are old women, therefore all old women ...
— Collections and Recollections • George William Erskine Russell

Words linked to "Dowse" :   foretelling, sluice, souse, flush, divination, bate, sop, dowser, slacken, douse, fortune telling, soothsaying, draggle, bedraggle, remit

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