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Double-dyed   Listen
Double-dyed  adj.  Dyed twice; thoroughly or intensely colored; hence; firmly fixed in opinions or habits; as, a double-dyed villain.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Double-dyed" Quotes from Famous Books

... would have won your praise; but now, on the ground that he came back here to work mischief on the top of mischief, 'he had the right to live'! (8) In what part of Hellas, tell me, sir, do Hellenes keep a truce with traitors, double-dyed deserters, and tyrants? Moreover, I must remind you that you passed a resolution—if I mistake not, it stands recorded in your parliamentary minutes—that 'renegades are liable to be apprehended (9) in ...
— Hellenica • Xenophon

... into fashion; and that this was followed by the Tyrian dibapha, which could not be bought for less than 1000 denaria (nearly 40 sterling) the pound; which was its price when P. Lentulus Spinter was dile, Cicero being then Consul. But afterwards, the double-dyed purple became less rare, &c." The Tyrian purple alluded to was obtained from the purpur, a species of shell-fish adhering to rocks and large stones in the sea adjoining Tyre. On account, probably, of its extreme ...
— Field's Chromatography - or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists • George Field

Words linked to "Double-dyed" :   unmitigated, everlasting, pure, stark, perfect, gross, complete, utter, unadulterated, sodding, consummate, arrant

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