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Diacritical   Listen
Diacritical, Diacritic  adj.  That separates or distinguishes; applied to points or marks used to distinguish letters of similar form, or different sounds of the same letter. "Diacritical points." "A glance at this typography will reveal great difficulties, which diacritical marks necessarily throw in the way of both printer and writer."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Diacritical" Quotes from Famous Books

... book uses several diacritical marks for phonetics, the table below lists the codings used: (the "x" represents a character ...
— Division of Words • Frederick W. Hamilton

... abbreviation of the proper names Gaius and Gnaeus by C. and Cn. respectively. On the early inscription discovered in the Roman Forum in 1899 the letter occurs but once, in the form written from right to left. The broad lower end of the symbol is rather an accidental pit in the stone than an attempt at a diacritic mark—the word is regei, in all probability the early dative form of rex, "king." It is hard to decide why Latin adopted the g-symbol with the value of k, a letter which it possessed originally but dropped, except ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 - "Bulgaria" to "Calgary" • Various

Words linked to "Diacritical" :   diacritical mark, diacritic, discriminating

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