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Dewdrop   Listen
Dewdrop  n.  A drop of dew.

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"Dewdrop" Quotes from Famous Books

... and the Zulus could see their enemies massed round them in every direction, and outnumbering them excessively. Both parties paused for a time, each watching the other. The sun rose up over the mountains, the sky was clear as a dewdrop, and a bracing breeze swept down the valley, making music through the quivering reeds. Herds of eland, hartebeests, gnu, and other game, stood on the slopes afar off, and looked down on the dark masses of men standing still in grim silence after ...
— Kafir Stories - Seven Short Stories • William Charles Scully

... Here flew two finches through the thicket, and, twittering, pursued each other; there, the young buds burst asunder, and the tender leaves peeped out and expanded themselves in the warm sun, as if they would abide in his glance for ever; here, a dewdrop trembled, sparkling and twinkling on a blade of grass, and knew not that beneath him stood a little moss who was thirsting after him; there, troops of flies flew aloft, as if they would soar far, far over the wood: and so all was ...
— Peter Schlemihl etc. • Chamisso et. al.

... and higher reaching up, Branching out in the Summer air. Oh, fair are the blossoms it bears for all, And fragrant the breath of its golden bells; Glad is the music they ring for you, From the perfumed depths where the dewdrop dwells. They wake you out of your sluggish sleep— Their voices are ringing—Arise! Arise! God gave you your life to use for Him, And can you the gift of a King despise? Your strength will waste if it is not used, The life He has lent He will ask again, Can you bring but the ...
— Nestlings - A Collection of Poems • Ella Fraser Weller

... never been so proud of her—and so perturbed. For where had that new diamond spray of maidenhair fern come from, that shone so gloriously against the glossy bands and curls of dark hair; and whence the single stone, that, like a great dewdrop, hung on her breast, suspended by a platinum chain so fine as to be almost invisible? Other people were asking these questions also, and once the distracted mother, lingering in a cool corner of the balcony while her daughters were dancing, ...
— Blue Aloes - Stories of South Africa • Cynthia Stockley

... pass her antennae over every portion of it. Then she will come closer and make a more minute examination, finally essaying another bite with her powerful jaws. A great water drinker, she evidently thinks the stone is some strange kind of dewdrop, hence her persistent efforts to ...
— The Dawn of Reason - or, Mental Traits in the Lower Animals • James Weir

... sees his own soul gazing back at him. Tiny creatures though we be, the whole solemn and majestic spectacle seems to be an extension of our own reverie, and we to enfold it all in some strange way within our own infinitesimal consciousness. So a self-conscious dewdrop might feel that it enfolded the morning sky, and such probably is the meaning of the Buddhist seer when he declares that ...
— Vanishing Roads and Other Essays • Richard Le Gallienne

... life, an eventless life, a life as clear as the dewdrop, and as colorless; a life opening, passing, ending in the little green wooded lane, by the bit of water where the swans made their nests under the willows; a life like the life of millions, a little purer, a little ...
— Bebee • Ouida

... hand the varied leaf designed, And gave the bird its thrilling tone; Thy power the dewdrop's tints combined, Till like the ...
— Sanders' Union Fourth Reader • Charles W. Sanders

... is true service while it lasts: Of humblest friends, bright creature, scorn not one; The daisy, by the shadow that it casts, Protects the lingering dewdrop from the sun. ...
— Poems with Power to Strengthen the Soul • Various

... of Flower-Aspect."[271] Celtic romance is full of exquisite touches like that, showing the delicacy of the Celt's feeling in these matters, and how deeply Nature lets him come into her secrets. The quick dropping of blood is called "faster than the fall of the dewdrop from the blade of reed-grass upon the earth, when the dew of June is at the heaviest." And thus is Olwen described: "More yellow was her hair than the flower of the broom, and her skin was whiter than the foam of the wave, and fairer were her hands and her fingers than the ...
— Selections from the Prose Works of Matthew Arnold • Matthew Arnold

... him now, father! Time on earth is but a stinted dewdrop in the ocean of eternity. 'Twill swiftly glide in one delicious dream of Ferdinand. I renounce him for this life! But then, mother—then when the bounds of separation are removed—when the hated distinctions of rank no longer part us—when men will be only men—I shall bring nothing with ...
— The Works of Frederich Schiller in English • Frederich Schiller

... return, poor Hyacinthia wept bitterly and changing herself from a milestone into a little blue field flower, she said, 'I will grow here on the wayside till some passer-by tramples me under foot.' And one of her tears remained as a dewdrop and sparkled on ...
— The Green Fairy Book • Various

... "The tombs of the Pharaohs have also grown out of the earth on which they rest. The first or Great Pyramid is built after the pattern of sea-salt when it crystallises in the warmth of the sun. If you could look through a dewdrop into a salt-crystal, you would find it built up of an infinite number of squares just like the Great Pyramid. But if you let alum crystallise, you will see a whole field of pyramids. Alum is the salt deposited in clay. There you have the salt of the ...
— Historical Miniatures • August Strindberg

... a rose. His endurance was like that of a range of mountains. His sea-blue eyes were cannily clear, his complexion was transparent and glowing. The ill effects of last night had been absorbed with about as much apparent effort as a gigantic sponge might display in absorbing a dewdrop. ...
— Peter the Brazen - A Mystery Story of Modern China • George F. Worts

Words linked to "Dewdrop" :   pearl, bead, drop

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