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Deepness   Listen
Deepness  n.  
The state or quality of being deep, profound, mysterious, secretive, etc.; depth; profundity; opposed to shallowness. "Because they had no deepness of earth."
Craft; insidiousness. (R.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Deepness" Quotes from Famous Books

... your world is gifted with, descends In th' everlasting Justice as low down, As eye doth in the sea; which though it mark The bottom from the shore, in the wide main Discerns it not; and ne'ertheless it is, But hidden through its deepness. Light is none, Save that which cometh from the pure serene Of ne'er disturbed ether: for the rest, 'Tis darkness all, or shadow of the flesh, Or else its poison. Here confess reveal'd That covert, which hath hidden ...
— The Divine Comedy • Dante

... scintillant northern lights. Nay, accident of birth had not rendered her less the woman, nor had it limited her woman's understanding of men. They knew she played with them, but they did not know the wisdom of her play, its deepness and its deftness. They failed to see more than the exposed card, so that to the very last Forty Mile was in a state of pleasant obfuscation, and it was not until she cast her final trump that it came to ...
— The God of His Fathers • Jack London

... maidens who, unwearied and happily submissive, bear up the Porch of the Erechtheion; stealing across the vast spaces and between the mighty columns of the Parthenon. The dawns and the twilights had not lost the pure savor of their almost frail vitality. The deepness of slumber still came ...
— In the Wilderness • Robert Hichens

... all to go to work and not to commit such an offence again for their sakes in this world or in the one to come. Lott Cary was not to perform any of his ministerial functions "till time and circumstances shall have evidenced the deepness and sincerity of his repentance."[96] Gurley states that the leaders of the sedition, led by Lott Cary, almost "immediately confessed and deplored" ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 7, 1922 • Various

Words linked to "Deepness" :   wisdom, sapience, low pitch, profoundness, profundity, extent, draught, draft, astuteness, bottomlessness, shallow, deep, depth

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