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Conserver   Listen
Conserver  n.  One who conserves.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Conserver" Quotes from Famous Books

... est parvenue dans les fentes des rochers, ont pu fournir un si grande quantite de matiere que celle qui constitue ces cristallisations, et ce qui n'est pas le moins difficile a concevoir, comment l'eau a pu charrier cette matiere a travers tant de matieres differentes, et la conserver precisement pour cette destination; comment, par exemple, l'eau est venue deposer de la terre quartzeuse dans les masses enormes de pierres calcaires, qui forment la cote qui domine le village de Champigny, a quatre lieues de Paris, au dela de ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) • James Hutton

... Redemption, Heaven, Hell, and Damnation are preached twice a Sunday after the crops are laid by; and few indeed of the community have the hardihood to withstand conversion. Back of this more formal religion, the Church often stands as a real conserver of morals, a strengthener of family life, and the final authority on ...
— The Souls of Black Folk • W. E. B. Du Bois

... as they passed. Nature, which sometimes sees beyond the vision of man, had made him the enemy of these creatures that were passing his hiding-place in the night. A fish-feeder, he was born to be a conserver as well as a destroyer of the creatures on which he fed. Perhaps nature told him that too many beaver dams stopped the run of spawning fish and that where there were many beavers there were always few fish. Maybe he reasoned as to why fish-hunting was ...
— Kazan • James Oliver Curwood

... raison nous tient en altercas Pour un fetu ou bien pour une pomme; Mais qu'on le peut pour quatre ou cinq ducats. Meme il soutient qu'on peut en certains cas Faire un serment plein de supercherie, S'abandonner aux douceurs de la vie, S'il est besoin conserver ses amours. Ne faut-il pas apres cela qu'on crie: ESCOBAR sait un ...
— The Fables of La Fontaine - A New Edition, With Notes • Jean de La Fontaine

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