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Concentre   Listen
Concentre, Concenter  v. t.  To draw or direct to a common center; to bring together at a focus or point, as two or more lines; to concentrate. "In thee concentering all their precious beams." "All is concentered in a life intense."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Concentre" Quotes from Famous Books

... one of the letters of Burke to the Duke of Richmond. 'It is wise indeed, considering the many positive vexations and the innumerable bitter disappointments of pleasure in the world, to have as many resources of satisfaction as possible within one's power. Whenever we concentre the mind on one sole object, that object and life itself must go together. But though it is right to have reserves of employment, still some one object must be kept principal; greatly and eminently so; and the other masses and figures must preserve their due subordination, to make ...
— The Map of Life - Conduct and Character • William Edward Hartpole Lecky

Words linked to "Concentre" :   focalise, focus, concenter, refocus, aline, align, focalize, adjust, line up

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