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Coefficient   Listen
Coefficient  adj.  Cooperating; acting together to produce an effect.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Coefficient" Quotes from Famous Books

... too great an extent. Another point which appears worth mentioning is the following: The foot-screws were of brass, the tribrach, into which they fitted, was made of aluminium for the sake of lightness. The two metals have a different coefficient of expansion, and while the feet fitted the tribrach at ordinary temperatures, they were quite loose at temperatures in the region of 20 Fahr. below zero. In any instrument designed for use at low temperatures, care should be taken that parts which have to fit ...
— South! • Sir Ernest Shackleton

Words linked to "Coefficient" :   transmission, correlation coefficient, coefficient of self induction, mutual inductance, multiple correlation coefficient, absorptance, biserial correlation coefficient, coefficient of concordance, absolute viscosity, coefficient of mutual induction, reflectivity, differential coefficient, coefficient of friction, regression coefficient, expansivity, dynamic viscosity, rank-difference correlation coefficient, weighting, modulus, coefficient of correlation, reflectance, transmittance, coefficient of reflection, drag coefficient, constant, absorption coefficient, coefficient of absorption, coefficient of drag, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, coefficient of expansion, rank-order correlation coefficient, coefficient of elasticity, coefficient of viscosity

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