"Castrated" Quotes from Famous Books
... thirty years after. [MN 1096.] The Count d'Eu denied his concurrence in the plot; and to justify himself, fought, in the presence of the court at Windsor, a duel with Geoffrey Bainard, who accused him. But being worsted in the combat, he was condemned to be castrated, and to have his eyes put out. William de Alderi, another conspirator, was supposed to be treated with more rigour, when he ... — The History of England, Volume I • David Hume
... Cervidae; fallow deer, red deer, mule deer, reindeer; buck (fawn, brocket, pricket, sorel, sore, spitter); (female) doe, roe; (male red deer) stag, hart; hind, roe (female red deer); havier (castrated); halfer; antelope hummel; staggard. Associated Words: venison, ... — Putnam's Word Book • Louis A. Flemming
... Fran. Castrated! Oh, that's some dreadful thing, I'll warrant,— Gracious Great Turk, for Mahomet's sake, excuse me; ... — The Works of Aphra Behn, Vol. III • Aphra Behn
... object sought for, and in the sight of the hunter castrates himself, from which circumstance he has gained the name of Castor; and if by chance the dogs should chase an animal which had been previously castrated, he has the sagacity to run to an elevated spot, and there lifting up his leg, shews the hunter that the object of his pursuit is gone. Cicero speaking of them says, "They ransom themselves by that part of the ... — The Itinerary of Archibishop Baldwin through Wales • Giraldus Cambrensis
... beloved by Cybele (or Demeter), the Mother of the gods. He was born of a Virgin—Nana—who conceived by putting a ripe almond or pomegranate in her bosom. He died, either killed by a boar, the symbol of winter, like Adonis, or self-castrated (like his own priests); and he bled to death at the foot of a pine tree (the pine and pine-cone being symbols of fertility). The sacrifice of his blood renewed the fertility of the earth, and in the ritual celebration of his death ... — Pagan & Christian Creeds - Their Origin and Meaning • Edward Carpenter
... garments, and use ivory cups as drinking vessels; their women adorn themselves with ivory bracelets; and their horses also are adorned with ivory. The Phoenicians convey to them ointment, elaborate vessels from Egypt, castrated swine(?), and Attic pottery and cups. These last they commonly purchase [in Athens] at the Feast of Cups. These Ethiopians are eaters of flesh and drinkers of milk; they make also much wine from the vine; and the Phoenicians, too, supply some wine to them. They ... — History of Phoenicia • George Rawlinson
... to be master of the most curious and rare editions of his works, may go from Bayle to Clement, and from Clement to Vogt. He must beware of the castrated Lyons' editions "per Beringos fratres"—against one of which Bayle declaims, and produces a specimen (quite to his own liking) of the passage suppressed:—another, of a similar kind, is adduced by Vogt (edit. 1793, pp. 19, ... — Bibliomania; or Book-Madness - A Bibliographical Romance • Thomas Frognall Dibdin |