"Breadbasket" Quotes from Famous Books
... and call her hand. Of course I can't say what the showdown'll be. That's for you to find out. But don't hold off too long about it. Better married early than never. And if that writer-guy shoves in, poke him in the breadbasket—hard! That'll settle him plenty. Better still, take him off to one side and talk to him. Tell'm you're a bad man, and that you staked that claim before he was dry behind the ears, and that if he comes nosin' around tryin' to file on it ... — A Daughter of the Snows • Jack London |
Words linked to "Breadbasket" : third stomach, arteria gastrica, rumen, first stomach, gastrointestinal tract, basket, tum, fourth stomach, tummy, internal organ, alimentary tract, omasum, gastric vein, GI tract, craw, alimentary canal, abomasum, gastric artery, vena gastrica, viscus, stomach, handbasket, digestive tube, psalterium, second stomach, crop, gastroomental vein, digestive tract, gastroepiploic vein, pit of the stomach, region, vena gastroomentalis |
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