Bindweed n. (Bot.) A plant of the genus Convolvulus; as, greater bindweed (Convolvulus Sepium); lesser bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis); the white bindweed, the blue bindweed, the Syrian bindweed. The black bryony, or Tamus, is called black bindweed, and the Smilax aspera, rough bindweed. "The fragile bindweed bells and bryony rings."
... sixty wild flowers which grow freely along this road, namely, yellow agrimony, amphibious persicaria, arum, avens, bindweed, bird's foot lotus, bittersweet, blackberry, black and white bryony, brooklime, burdock, buttercups, wild camomile, wild carrot, celandine (the great and lesser), cinquefoil, cleavers, corn buttercup, corn mint, ... — Nature Near London • Richard Jefferies