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Au fait   Listen
Au fait  adj.  Expert; skillful; well instructed.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Au fait" Quotes from Famous Books

... a delightful listener, for she was always anxious to learn and to understand, and before long she was quite AU FAIT, and understood a great deal about that exceedingly complicated thing, the French political system. M. Lemercier was a fiery, earnest little man, with very strong convictions; he had been exiled as a communist but had now returned, ...
— We Two • Edna Lyall

... but myself, I could draw but one inference. It was a case of elopement. Morally certain on this head, and seeing Madame Beck's profound embarrassment, I at last communicated my conviction. Having alluded to M. de Hamal's suit, I found, as I expected, that Madame Beck was perfectly au fait to that affair. She had long since discussed it with Mrs. Cholmondeley, and laid her own responsibility in the business on that lady's shoulders. To Mrs. Cholmondeley and M. de ...
— Villette • Charlotte Bronte

Words linked to "Au fait" :   abreast, informed, up on

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