"Argot" Quotes from Famous Books
... the argot of French thieves, which was often difficult for the young Englishman to understand. And the dark-haired girl would laugh, apologize, and explain the meaning of ... — Mademoiselle of Monte Carlo • William Le Queux
... was quite interested in the bits of pickpocket argot that floated across to us, expressions like "crossing the mit," "nipping a slang," a "mouthpiece," "making a holler" and innumerable other choice bits as ... — The Ear in the Wall • Arthur B. Reeve
... themselves somewhere to the already subsisting world of words and things, [Footnote: J. Grimm, in an interesting review of a little volume dealing with what the Spaniards call 'Germania' with no reference to Germany, the French 'argot,' and we 'Thieves' Language,' finds in this language the most decisive evidence of this fact (Kleine Schrift. vol. iv. p. 165): Der nothwendige Zusammenhang aller Sprache mit Ueberlieferung zeigt sich auch hier; kaum ein Wort dieser Gaunermundart scheint leer erfunden, und Menschen eines ... — On the Study of Words • Richard C Trench
... was an unconscious public confession: 'I haven't understood these strange women; I haven't understood the spirit of the mob that hoots the man we know vaguely for their champion; I haven't understood the allusions nor the argot that they talk; I can't check the history that peasant has appealed to. In the midst of so much that is obscure, it is meet to reserve judgment.' Something of that might have been read in the look lifted ... — The Convert • Elizabeth Robins
... starting to her feet. They had only just avoided cutting short the life of an ill-starred pedestrian who was in the act of crossing diagonally to a small cafe. The wayfarer stood in the middle of the road, hurling imprecations in the choicest argot at Roger, while a waiter in a dirty apron and two seedy guests on the sidewalk joined him ardently. Ignoring the abuse with lofty scorn, Roger was proceeding on his way when Esther ... — Juggernaut • Alice Campbell
... that half-whining, half-sneering form of discourse peculiar alike to the vicious chevalier of Paris and his confrere of the provincial centres. Accent and slang alone distinguish between them; the argot, however, is practically ... — The Maids of Paradise • Robert W. (Robert William) Chambers
... English^, chi-chi. figure of speech &c (metaphor) 521; byword. colloquialism, informal speech, informal language. substandard language, vernacular. vulgar language, obscene language, obscenity, vulgarity. jargon, technical terms, technicality, lingo, slang, cant, argot; St. Gile's Greek, thieves' Latin, peddler's French, flash tongue, Billingsgate, Wall Street slang. pseudology^. pseudonym &c (misnomer) 565; Mr. So-and-so; wha d'ye call 'em^, whatchacallim, what's his name; thingummy^, thingumbob; je ne sais quoi [Fr.]. neologist^, ... — Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget |
Words linked to "Argot" : guvnor, bite, greaseball, heebie-jeebies, sawn-off, heist, slang, cock sucking, freaky, 'hood, spik, pissed, besotted, sawed-off, boffin, burnup, the trots, dekko, Krauthead, tommyrot, juice, pie-eyed, skin flick, honkey, megabucks, gook, bunghole, straight, slant-eye, cockeyed, bosh, nookie, out-and-outer, bolshy, corporation, ginzo, stiff, stroppy, cert, applesauce, paleface, tripper, asshole, ditch, patois, bilgewater, pixilated, honkie, fucking, sister, square, shlock, boloney, arse, baby, trumpery, suit, poor white trash, blowjob, legs, shakedown, old man, slopped, good egg, wop, wet, hymie, drop-dead, babe, hoof, grotty, blind drunk, butch, white trash, blotto, square-bashing, arsehole, Chinaman, pile, bunfight, tarradiddle, Jerry, clean, bundle, gat, pint-sized, nip, wog, buy it, whitey, nick, fuddled, roll in the hay, smashed, stuff, lingo, play hooky, rip-off, Mickey Finn, soused, trash, tummy, hand job, niff, pint-size, jargon, bun-fight, jitters, sozzled, spick, bitch, dreck, tripe, slam-bang, twaddle, big money, nosh-up, power trip, honky, Hun, hood, dibs, chink, guinea, swiz, yid, folderol, wank, humbug, rod, dago, wish-wash, soup-strainer, bay window, piece of ass, shlockmeister, squiffy, dike, big bucks, potbelly, sheeny, poppycock, non-standard speech, screaming meemies, schlock, caff, piece of tail, codswallop, uncool, Kraut, bunk off, some, plum, nooky, kike, Redskin, jacking off, key, tight, feel, plastered, soaked, screwing, taradiddle, give, street name, runty, spic, bad egg, vernacular, screw, tosh, red man, Boche, plumb, toothbrush, rhyming slang, ass, pot, the shits, skinful, chuck, pip out, corker, shtup, fuck, shag, jerking off, stuff and nonsense, mean, squeeze, hooey, schlockmeister, Jap, deck, loaded, crocked, drool, cant, pong, airhead, rubbish, Injun, can-do, baloney, sloshed, dyke |
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