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Agenda   Listen
agenda  n.  
A temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to.
Synonyms: docket, schedule
A list of matters to be discussed (as at a meeting).
Synonyms: agendum, docket, order of business
A motive or set of goals; as, to have one's own agenda; especially, A secret motive; also called hidden agenda; as, some of the news commentators themselves have an agenda.
Synonyms: goal, hidden motive, secret motive, hidden agenda.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Agenda" Quotes from Famous Books

... announced the founding of an association for clearing the Detroit slum area where he had been born—the plainest kind of symbolic suicide: Let's not have any more Abner Longmans Brauns born down here. It depressed me to see it happen, for next on Joan's agenda for Braun was an entry into politics as a fighting liberal—a New Dealer twenty years too late. Since I'm mildly liberal myself when I'm off duty, I hated to think what Braun's career might tell me about my own motives, if ...
— One-Shot • James Benjamin Blish

... of 1572, containing the Augsburg Confession according to the Mainz Manuscript, Luther's Small Catechism, Explanation of the Augsburg Confession drawn from the postils and doctrinal writings "of the faithful man of God Dr. Luther" by Andreas Musculus, and a Church Agenda. 6. Corpus Doctrinae Wilhelminum of Lueneburg, 1576, containing the Three Ecumenical Symbols, the Augsburg Confession, the Apology, the Smalcald Articles, Luther's Catechisms, Formulae Caute Loquendi (Forms of Speaking Cautiously) by Dr. Urbanus Regius, and Formulae ...
— Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church • Friedrich Bente

... to modernize and reinvigorate the economy by stabilizing prices, deregulating the economy, and opening it to increased foreign competition. Itamar FRANCO, who assumed the presidency following President COLLOR's resignation in December 1992, was out of step with COLLOR's reform agenda; initiatives to redress fiscal problems, privatize state enterprises, and liberalize trade and investment policies lost momentum. Galloping inflation - by June 1994 the monthly rate had risen to nearly 50% - had undermined economic stability. In response, the then finance minister, Fernando ...
— The 1995 CIA World Factbook • United States Central Intelligence Agency

Words linked to "Agenda" :   list, plan, order of the day, listing, fare, agenda item, docket, menu, agendum, schedule, order of business, program, programme

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