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Adjudge   Listen
Adjudge  v. t.  (past & past part. adjudged; pres. part. adjudging)  
To award judicially in the case of a controverted question; as, the prize was adjudged to the victor.
To determine in the exercise of judicial power; to decide or award judicially; to adjudicate; as, the case was adjudged in the November term.
To sentence; to condemn. "Without reprieve, adjudged to death For want of well pronouncing Shibboleth."
To regard or hold; to judge; to deem. "He adjudged him unworthy of his friendship."
Synonyms: To decree; award; determine; adjudicate; ordain; assign.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Adjudge" Quotes from Famous Books

... many other matters. Finally in violation of your Majesty's decrees which order that the offices be sold, he has, after having granted some gratuitously for his own objects, without selling them, refused to adjudge the office of secretary held by Pedro Munoz to one Diego de Rueda, who bid eight thousand pesos for it, in order that Pedro Munoz might not be deprived of it; while he gave it to the latter for one thousand five hundred pesos, which the said Munoz had bid for it, and that sum ...
— The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume XX, 1621-1624 • Various

... South College, descended the well-worn staircase, and took our last stroll beneath the heavy shadows that darkly hung from the old elms of our Alma Mater. Commencement, with its dazzling excitement, its galleries of fair faces to smile and approve, its gathered wisdom to listen and adjudge, was no longer the goal of our student-hopes; and the terrible realization that our joyous college-days were over, now pressed hard upon us as we paced slowly along, listening to the low night wind among ...
— The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No 3, September, 1862 - Devoted to Literature and National Policy. • Various

... assess, rate, rank, account; regard, consider, think of; look upon &c. (believe) 484; review; size up *. settle; pass an opinion, give an opinion; decide, try, pronounce, rule; pass judgment, pass sentence; sentence, doom; find; give judgment, deliver judgment; adjudge, adjudicate; arbitrate, award, report; bring in a verdict; make absolute, set a question at rest; confirm &c. (assent) 488. comment, criticize, kibitz; pass under review &c. (examine) 457; investigate &c. (inquire) 461. hold the scales, sit in judgment; try judgment, hear a cause. ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... destiny is Rookwood, its manors, its lands, its rent-roll, and its title; nor shall you yield it to a base-born churl like this. Let him prove his rights. Let the law adjudge them to him, and we will yield—but not till then. I tell thee he has not the right, nor can he maintain it. He is a deluded dreamer, who, having heard some idle tale of his birth, believes it, because it chimes ...
— Rookwood • William Harrison Ainsworth

... you and I will have to declare that those whom we old men adjudge victors ought to win; for our ways are far and away better than any which at present ...
— Laws • Plato

... Canal, and the Ornamental Water at the Crystal Palace. Failing this, it will be left to the Umpires, who, being supposed to be in several places at the same time, will be provided with a tricycle, fog-horn, and telescope, to enable them to adjudge the exact amount of success or failure following respectively on each effort, with as near a resemblance as is possible to the probable issues in real warfare. Any matters remaining in dispute and undecided, will be ultimately settled by the ...
— Punch, Vol. 99., July 26, 1890. • Various

... necessity of sending a vessel (perhaps better Captain St. George than a Greek, who probably would not dare do his duty there, was he so disposed) to destroy the infamous traffic existing there. May I beg of your lordship to order here the Marine Tribunal from Napoli to adjudge the prizes taken; also to issue a public order respecting the distribution of prize-money, by which I may be guided in my payments? You will observe that in my letter respecting the affair of Tricheri ...
— The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald, Vol. II • Thomas Lord Cochrane

... appointed to adjudge a musical contest between Pol and Pan. He decides in favor of Pan, whereupon Pol throws off his disguise, appears as the god Apollo, and, being indignant at the decision, gives Midas "the ears of an ass."—Kane O'Hara, ...
— Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama - A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3 • E. Cobham Brewer

... Adduce prezenti. Adept adepto. Adequate suficxa. Adhere aligxi. Adherent aligxulo. Adhesion aligxo. Adhesive glua. Adieu adiaux. Adjacent apuda. Adjective adjektivo. Adjoining apuda. Adjourn prokrasti. Adjudge aljugxi. Adjure petegi. Adjust arangxi, almezuri. Administer administri. Administration administracio. Admirable admirinda. Admiral admiralo. Admiration admiro. Admire admiri. Admission allaso. Admissible permesebla. Admit allasi. Admonish admoni. Admonition admono. ...
— English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes

... the Palace, so our story goes, she forthwith desired that T'an-ch'un should make a careful copy, in consecutive order, of the verses, which had been composed and read out on that occasion, in order that she herself should assign them their rank, and adjudge the good and bad. And she also directed that an inscription should be engraved on a stone, in the Broad Vista park, to serve in future years as a record of the pleasant and felicitous event; and Chia Cheng, therefore, gave orders to servants to go ...
— Hung Lou Meng, Book I • Cao Xueqin

... challenge on the part of the barber. The Caliph indeed can be scarcely got to submit himself to the test, but we will get an ape, and if this honest man shaves him, as he says he can, without inflicting a scratch, I will adjudge him to be a very proficient barber and an adept in each branch of his trade, both bleeding ...
— Tales of the Caliph • H. N. Crellin

... 'em lazy; Now we adjudge 'em crazy! Why, Horace was a daisy That was very much alive! And the wisest of us know him As his Lydia verses show him,— Go, read that virile ...
— The Book of Humorous Verse • Various

... conscience? 340 Can they not juggle, and, with slight Conveyance, play with wrong and right; And sell their blasts of wind as dear As Lapland witches bottled air? Will not fear, favour, bribe and grudge 345 The same case sev'ral ways adjudge? As seamen, with the self-same gale, Will sev'ral different courses sail? As when the sea breaks o'er its bounds, And overflows the level grounds, 350 Those banks and dams, that, like a screen, Did keep it out, now keep it in; So when tyrannic usurpation Invades the freedom of a nation, ...
— Hudibras • Samuel Butler

... had a place assigned him on the bench. Lord Vane got the best place he could fight for amid the crowd. Mr. Justice Hare sat as chairman, unusually stern, unbending, and grim. No favor would he show, but no unfairness. Had it been to save his son from hanging, he would not adjudge guilt to Francis Levison against his conscience. Colonel Bethel was likewise on the ...
— East Lynne • Mrs. Henry Wood

Words linked to "Adjudge" :   formalize, evaluate, pronounce, declare, bastardize, pass judgment, beatify, judge, admit, canonise, superannuate, call, formalise, canonize, saint, bastardise, certify, label, strike down, cancel, hold, acknowledge

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