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Wickedness   /wˈɪkədnəs/   Listen

Morally objectionable behavior.  Synonyms: evil, immorality, iniquity.
Absence of moral or spiritual values.  Synonyms: dark, darkness, iniquity.
The quality of being wicked.  Synonyms: nefariousness, ugliness, vileness.
Estrangement from god.  Synonyms: sin, sinfulness.
The quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions.  Synonyms: loathsomeness, lousiness, repulsiveness, sliminess, vileness.

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"Wickedness" Quotes from Famous Books

... them all, but she was held back by the vagueness of her relations to Martin. Were they engaged? Did he even love her? He had only kissed her. He had said nothing. No, she must wait, but with this definite sense of her wickedness weighing upon her—not wickedness to herself, for that she cared nothing, but wickedness to them—she tried, on this day, to be a pattern member of the household, going softly everywhere that she was told, closing doors behind her, being punctual and careful. ...
— The Captives • Hugh Walpole

... to spend his time in pleasure; and he made his Zanana extend a mile. For weeks he would remain without seeing the face of a male creature. There was probably no sincere friend to raise a warning; and the doom deepened and the hand wrote upon the wall unheeded. The country was overrun with wickedness and wasted with misery. The disgrace of the unsuccessful Saadat returning from Ajmir, was enhanced by his vainly attempting to strike a blow at the Empress and her favourite. They called in the Turkish element against him, and contrived to alienate his countryman, ...
— The Fall of the Moghul Empire of Hindustan • H. G. Keene

... la longue." Reuss, a teacher of opposite tendency and greater name, is equally consoling: "Les destinees de l'homme s'accomplissent ici-bas; la justice de Dieu s'exerce et se manifeste sur cette terre." In the infancy of exact observation Massillon could safely preach that wickedness ends in ignominy: "Dieu aura son tour." The indecisive Providentialism of Bossuet's countrymen is shared ...
— The History of Freedom • John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

... was sheer wickedness to see a chance of making money, and letting it slide, but I don't go so far as that. Everyone has a right to be miserable in his own way, ...
— Flaming June • Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

... more to those ancient heresies of the Gnostics and the Manichaeans which saw the God of the World as altogether evil, which sought only to escape by the utmost abstinences and evasions and perversions from the black wickedness of being. For a while his soul sank down into the uncongenial darknesses of these creeds of despair. "I who have loved life," he murmured, and could have believed for a time that he wished he ...
— Mr. Britling Sees It Through • H. G. Wells

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