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Up-country   /əp-kˈəntri/   Listen

To or in the interior of a country or region.

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"Up-country" Quotes from Famous Books

... dangerous politics, that were ruinous to native interests, but that, besides their dangerous politics, he had imbibed their baser quality of ingratitude. For this man had not only enjoyed our free hospitality on three occasions, when he visited up-country, and the hospitality of our relatives at various times in other parts, but when he was about to leave for Europe, on a holiday jaunt, and wanted some one to take charge of his work, we left our own affairs and went to King Williamstown, at our ...
— Native Life in South Africa, Before and Since • Solomon Tshekisho Plaatje

... it can destroy my complexion," he said good-humouredly, rubbing his finger and thumb along his stubble-covered chin. The bushmen up-country shaved regularly every Sunday morning, but never during the week for anything less than a ball. They did this to obviate the blue—what they termed "scraped pig"—appearance of the faces of city men in the ...
— My Brilliant Career • Miles Franklin

... a day within that week a trapper brought word of a hundred canoes on the river a day's journey up-country, laden with packs of winter beaver, ...
— The Maid of the Whispering Hills • Vingie E. Roe

... remain for a time in the colony. It will be found, from his own narrative that, having obtained some suitable employment, he decided to adopt the latter course; and for a period of about eighteen months he resided at Majorca, an up-country township situated in the gold-mining district ...
— A Boy's Voyage Round the World • The Son of Samuel Smiles

... earning nothing, and she had her mother and sister and the African baby to provide and care for. Happily the invalid continued to improve, and as it was imperative for Mary to be back at work, it was decided that she should apply for reinstatement. She told her mother of her desire to go up-country, and asked whether she would allow her to do so if the opportunity came. "You are my child, given to me by God," was the reply, "and I have given you back to Him. When He needs you and where He sends you, there ...
— Mary Slessor of Calabar: Pioneer Missionary • W. P. Livingstone

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