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Stop order   /stɑp ˈɔrdər/   Listen
Stop order

An order to a broker to sell (buy) when the price of a security falls (rises) to a designated level.  Synonym: stop-loss order.

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"Stop order" Quotes from Famous Books

... you keep your eyes peeled," answered Garry, emptying his glass. "Never saw Gilbert but once, and then he looked to me like a softy from Pillowville. Couldn't fool me, I tell you, on a deal like that. I'd have had a 'stop order' somewhere. Served Gilbert right; no business to be monkeying with a buzz-saw unless he knew how to throw off ...
— Peter - A Novel of Which He is Not the Hero • F. Hopkinson Smith

... deserved the best there was in the house. Maybe I didn't get it, too. The Huns hadn't been gone but a few hours and the peace dinner she'd planned was only a sketchy affair, as she wasn't dead sure they wouldn't come back. When she sees me though, she puts a stop order on all that third-rate stuff and tells the cook to go the limit. And say, they must have dug up food reserves from the sub-cellar, for when me and the ...
— Torchy and Vee • Sewell Ford

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