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Shrinking   /ʃrˈɪŋkɪŋ/   Listen

Process or result of becoming less or smaller.  Synonym: shrinkage.
The act of becoming less.


(past shrank; past part. shrunk; pres. part. shrinking)
Wither, as with a loss of moisture.  Synonyms: shrivel, shrivel up, wither.
Draw back, as with fear or pain.  Synonyms: cringe, flinch, funk, quail, recoil, squinch, wince.
Reduce in size; reduce physically.  Synonym: reduce.  "Can you shrink this image?"
Become smaller or draw together.  Synonym: contract.  "The balloon shrank"
Decrease in size, range, or extent.  Synonym: shrivel.  "My courage shrivelled when I saw the task before me"

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"Shrinking" Quotes from Famous Books

... ever realize how much those words hurt him. He had been disciplined in far too severe a school ever to permit his face to index the feelings of his heart, yet the unconcealed shrinking of this uncouth child from slightest personal contact with him cut through his acquired reserve as perhaps nothing else could ever have done. Not until he had completely conquered his first unwise impulse to retort angrily, did ...
— Bob Hampton of Placer • Randall Parrish

... state of mind. But in most cases such counsels, given at such a time, involving, as they would, some covert though very gentle censure, would cause the heart of the boy to close itself in a greater or less degree against them, like the leaves of a sensitive-plant shrinking from the touch. The reply would very probably be, "Well, he had no business to be on the sidewalk, ...
— Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young • Jacob Abbott

... the Riviera—the sun hot on the ruddy cliffs of granite, and on the terraces of figs and vines and spreading palms; nor the rattling through the narrow streets of the old walled towns, with the scarlet-capped men and swarthy-visaged women shrinking into the door-ways as the horses clatter by; nor the quiet evenings in the hotel garden, with the moon rising over the murmuring sea, and the air sweet with the perfumes of the south. No. They climbed a mountain, ...
— Sunrise • William Black

... my usual nook, and looked at him with the light of the girandoles on the mantelpiece beaming full over him—for he occupied an arm-chair drawn close to the fire, and kept shrinking still nearer, as if he were cold, I compared him with Mr. Rochester. I think (with deference be it spoken) the contrast could not be much greater between a sleek gander and a fierce falcon: between a meek sheep and the ...
— Jane Eyre - an Autobiography • Charlotte Bronte

... gone too far to recede, though she would willingly have delayed, in enjoyment of the present homage and shrinking from the future plunge away from all her protectors. Though the strong, manly will overpowered hers, and made her submit to the necessities of the case and fix a day early in July, she clung the more closely to her sisters, ...
— Beechcroft at Rockstone • Charlotte M. Yonge

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