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Narrowed   /nˈɛroʊd/   Listen

Reduced in size as by squeezing together.
Made narrow; limited in breadth.  "A narrowed view of the world"


(past & past part. narrowed; pres. part. narrowing)
Make or become more narrow or restricted.  Synonym: contract.  "The road narrowed"
Define clearly.  Synonyms: nail down, narrow down, peg down, pin down, specify.
Become more focus on an area of activity or field of study.  Synonyms: narrow down, specialise, specialize.
Become tight or as if tight.  Synonyms: constrict, constringe.

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"Narrowed" Quotes from Famous Books

... southeast of the Alps is the Mare Imbrium, and it is along the coast of this so-called sea that the Alps attain their greatest height. The valley, or gorge, above mentioned, appears to cut through the loftiest mountains and to reach the "coast," although it is so narrowed and broken among the greater peaks that its southern portion is almost lost before it actually reaches the Mare Imbrium. Opening wider again as it enters the Mare, it forms a deep bay ...
— Pleasures of the telescope • Garrett Serviss

... illustrating what I believe the public will concede to be the sense in which the word "humbug" is generally used and understood at the present time, in this country as well as in England, I do not propose that my letters on this subject shall be narrowed down to that definition of the word. On the contrary, I expect to treat of various fallacies, delusions, and deceptions in ancient and modern times, which, according to Webster's definition, may be called "humbugs," inasmuch as they ...
— The Humbugs of the World • P. T. Barnum

... close and closer, hushing breath, Our circle narrowed round thee, And smiles and tears made up the wreath Wherewith our silence ...
— The Complete Works of Whittier - The Standard Library Edition with a linked Index • John Greenleaf Whittier

... crowd. The Tartar vanity was touched to the quick. "What do we care for them? Why do we let them lord it over us here?" was heard around. "Let us liberate the blacksmith from his work—let us liberate him!" they roared, as they narrowed their circle round the Russian soldiers, amidst whom Alekper was shoeing the captain's horse. The confusion increased. Satisfied with the tumult he had created, Sultan Akhmet Khan, not wishing to mix himself up in an insignificant brawl, rode out of the crowd, leaving two noukers ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXXIX. - March, 1843, Vol. LIII. • Various

... sometimes is to-day. But Dr. Mac-donald, though he has not sought for the finenesses of mere literary art with an equal jealousy, has inherited a bigger fortune, and has spent his ownings with a larger hand. He has perhaps narrowed his following by his faithfulness to his own inspiration, but his books are a genuine benefaction to the heart, and no man can read them honestly without drawing from them a spiritual freshness and purity of the rarer sort. There ...
— My Contemporaries In Fiction • David Christie Murray

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