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Narrow margin   /nˈɛroʊ mˈɑrdʒən/   Listen
Narrow margin

A small margin.  Synonyms: narrowness, slimness.  "The landslide he had in the electoral college obscured the narrowness of a victory based on just 43% of the popular vote"

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"Narrow margin" Quotes from Famous Books

... sure," said Anketam. He knew that Jacovik envied him the job; he knew that Jacovik had only missed the appointment by a narrow margin. ...
— The Destroyers • Gordon Randall Garrett

... Fiske joyfully assented though some of the rest of us were not without apprehension. Fiske in a canoe was a ticklish proposition, but there he was at last, comfortably recumbent, his head propped up on cushions, serenely at ease though a very narrow margin intervened between water-line and gunwale. The performer of the Sonata, who was as deft at the paddle as she was at the piano, served as his pilot and propeller while the rest of us formed an escort which could be turned into a rescue party if occasion ...
— The Last Leaf - Observations, during Seventy-Five Years, of Men and Events in America - and Europe • James Kendall Hosmer

... small poor-law unions which do not appear in his reports until 1864. The Summary consistently includes Liverpool, and fluctuates violently for that city whenever weather conditions interfered with the ordinary business of the port. It is a striking illustration of the narrow margin of living wages among the dockers of Liverpool that an annotation at the foot of a column of statistics should explain an increase in one week of 21,000 persons thrown on poor relief to the "prevalence of a strong ...
— Great Britain and the American Civil War • Ephraim Douglass Adams

... replied in a way which aroused his ambition to accomplish what he had set out to do in coming to West Point, without regard to preference between farming and soldiering. He went to work in good earnest, and passed the January examinations, though by a very narrow margin. From that time on he did not seem to have so much difficulty. When we were fighting each other so desperately fifteen years later, I wondered whether Hood remembered the encouragement I had given him to become a soldier, and came very near thinking ...
— Forty-Six Years in the Army • John M. Schofield

... has such a narrow margin that any extraordinary demand made upon him breaks him down. It is very common for men to die after a financial failure. Disease, insanity and death often follow family trouble or the loss of a dear one. The reason is that such people live up to their limit every day. They have no margin to work ...
— Maintaining Health • R. L. Alsaker

... extension to Federal elections, and 247,000 opposed it. In 1910 the number of voters in favour of the proposal had increased by 70,000, while the opposition had increased by only 15,000, and the adoption of proportional representation for Federal elections was defeated by the narrow margin of 23,000 votes in a total poll of half a million. At the same time twelve out of the twenty-two cantons approved of the extension, and it is generally agreed that the ultimate triumph of the proportional principle cannot ...
— Proportional Representation - A Study in Methods of Election • John H. Humphreys

... brown'; lateral dark dorsal stripes similar to median stripe, but with anterior one-third deeply suffused with 'verona brown'; central light dorsal stripes grayish, slightly lighter than head and rump; lateral stripes white; head and rump 'pale smoke gray'; postauricular patch grayish white, a narrow margin extending up posterior border of ear; anterior portion of ear 'fuscous black' mixed with 'verona brown' at base and bordered by light gray; ocular stripe black grading into 'verona brown' in front of ear; submalar stripe nearly obsolete, 'sayal brown'; sides ...
— Taxonomy of the Chipmunks, Eutamias quadrivittatus and Eutamias umbrinus • John A. White

... contributions were made to the Russian Red Cross, and public prayers were offered for the success of the Russian arms. But the Muscovite Minister at Sofia was a man unfitted for the post, and Ferdinand's task was made easier. The Allied diplomats could argue, later on, that they failed by a narrow margin, since Radoslavoff only succeeded in gaining a majority by means of the help of the Turkish deputies; but if the Sobranje had been hostile to Ferdinand and Radoslavoff they would simply have dissolved it. As a pattern of morals ...
— The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 1 • Henry Baerlein

... had first seen Henry's advertisement, Mr. Mix had been as uncertain of his prospects as a child with a daisy; he had foreseen that it was only a part of a very narrow margin of fortune which would determine whether he was to be a rich man, poor man, beggar man—or jilt. Now, however, his confidence was back in his heart, and when, on Sunday afternoon, he placed himself ...
— Rope • Holworthy Hall

... plain sashed windows with rusticated masonry about them, a parapet with balls or vases at the angles, and a small portico in the centre. On either side were trees, and in front a considerable expanse of lawn. The legend A. W. F. sculpsit was engraved on the narrow margin; and there was no further inscription. The whole thing gave the impression that it was the work of an amateur. What in the world Mr Britnell could mean by affixing the price of L2 2s. to such an object was more than Mr Williams could imagine. He turned it over with a good deal of contempt; upon ...
— Ghost Stories of an Antiquary • Montague Rhodes James

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