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Mourning cloak   /mˈɔrnɪŋ kloʊk/   Listen
Mourning cloak

Of temperate regions; having dark purple wings with yellow borders.  Synonyms: Camberwell beauty, mourning cloak butterfly, Nymphalis antiopa.

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"Mourning cloak" Quotes from Famous Books

... water," the sentence concluding, "and this shall be his punishment till he die." This was probably on the Saturday, for on the Monday morning following, it is stated, the condemned was draped in white garments, and also wore a mourning cloak, as though in mourning for his own forthcoming death. It is curious to notice that his friends were present at his death, which was so much modified from the lengthy process that his sentence conveys as to be in fact an execution, in which these same friends assisted. They stood "at the corner ...
— Bygone Punishments • William Andrews

... to thy child?" said a voice close by. It sounded so clear, so deep—its tones went to her heart. She looked up, and near her stood a man wrapped in a large mourning cloak, with a hood drawn over the head; but she could see the countenance under this. It was severe, and yet encouraging, his eyes were bright ...
— The Sand-Hills of Jutland • Hans Christian Andersen

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